Posted in: Comics, Thank FOC It's Friday | Tagged: decorum, FOC
Thank FOC It's Friday, 14th February – Have Some Decorum, Please
Welcome to Thank FOC It's Friday, a semi-weekly mailing list, similar to The Daily LITG, but (mostly) every Friday and planned to coincide and cover the demands of Final Order Cut Off. The date when retailers have a last chance to amend their advance orders for comic books without penalty. A final chance for publishers to promote books while orders can still be added. And a time for credits to be amends, new covers to be revealed and a final push given. This is an attempt to sift through them all and find the most relevant items.
And now it seems that Diamond Comic Distributors has decided to join in. Well, imitation is the greatest form of flattery. You can sign up here or with the form at the bottom.
So what's FOC'ing today?
- Image Comics is launching Decorum #1 from Jonathan Hickman and Mike Huddleston. This is going to be massive – and it is completely returnable to registered retailers. Oh yes and there's a Jamie McKelvie FOC cover – that we still can't see. More FOC covers from Dynamite and Boom here,
- But also don't forget Stealth #1 from Mike Costa, Nate Bellegarde and Tamra Bonvillain. It won't do Decorum numbers. But it should still do pretty well – and also returnable.
- Marvel's Free Comic Book Day titles for Spider-Man and X-Men are up. The new things from Cates, Stegman, Hickman, Larraz and more.
- Dark Horse is reviving Michel Fiffe's Panorama in the wake of his Copra success
- We also have the launch of the Neil Gaiman hardcover short comics story collection Library Editions
- Robin gets his 80th Anniversary Edition – More Timeline stuff here?
- Superman #21 will have 'one of the most private moments in Superman's existence'. Blimey. Lois/Clark sex tape?
- We have those second printings for Batman #89 and Hell Arisen #3…
- IDW likes what DC has been up to with its own Judge Dredd 100-Page Edition
- Cable is doing its own big launch, teen-style, from Gerry Duggan and Phil Noto.
- How did Gwen Stacy #1 and Darth Vader #1 do? #2 is up.
- Marvel's Star Wars also has the launch of its Bounty Hunters #1 comic with Boba Fett and the finale of their Rise Of Kylo Ren #4 comic.
- X-Men Grand Design gets its Omnibus volume.
- Jim Henson's Storyteller: Ghosts launches from Boom, returnable for registered retailers.
- Sweet Heart #1 is launching from Action Lab by Dillon Gilbertson and Francesco Iaquinta. Worth a look into.
- How did Aggretsuko #1 do? #2 is up and #1 gets a second printing.
- How did Adler #1 do? #2 is up.
- I Make Boys Cry #1 from Absolute is up for FOC because it is very, very late. White Widow crossover, it is still a good title.
- How Did The Man Who Effed Up Time #1 do? #2 is up, with this 1:10 cover by Andrew Robinson.
What's on your FOC?
Sign up below and we'll see what Thank FOC It's Friday brings next week… on time possibly.