Posted in: Comics, Conventions, Cosplay, WonderCon | Tagged: comic con, comiccon, comicon, cosplay, entertainment
The Duck Tape Cosplay Repair Station At WonderCon
If you can dream it… you can make it. Duck Tape – America's favorite do-all, fix-all product – has been a logical choice to assist these imaginative cosplay makers in creating or repairing everything… from costumes to accessories.
I spoke with Ashley and Kristi, stationed at the Duck Tape Cosplay Repair station.
I asked Kristi to pimp her booth for us.
"Duck Tape is really about creativity and imagination, so we wanted to get involved in this community in a genuine interactive way so we wanted to have a costume repair station where we could offer fixes and help with people that tear or break their costumes. And interact with people in the community, and it's really been a great experience."
Ashley was asked if they have seen any cool costumes or had to repair anything crazy this weekend?
"We have seen a lot of really cool costumes, we see people and don't even realize that the costume is made of Duck Tape, which is really neat. We've been able to fix all kinds of stuff, from shoes to broken wings to straps that are coming off. It's been really neat to interact with those people and help them out."
When I asked Ashley if you can fix anything with Duck Tape, she responded.
"Literally, anything. Between or Duck Tape and or T Rex clear repair tape, which is for when you don't want the Duck Tape to show as much that's for that application.
Finally I asked Kristi where can we find you online?
You can go to get our products there. You can also find us at most major retailers with both the Duck brand and T Rex ferociously strong tape. T Rex is our newest thing. It is much more aggressively stronger tape than duck tape, it is also all weather so it works stronger, hold longer. It is a step up from our traditional Duck brand tapes we have out there.
As we parted ways a Darth Vader came up looking to repair a boot. "You've come to the right place, my Lord, this tape is as strong as the force." I told him.