Posted in: Comics | Tagged: oni, second printing, the long con
The Long Con Gets a $1 Collector's Edition Second Printing from Oni Press
In a welcome departure from the usual tone of press releases announcing second printing of comics, which tend to act as though fans have surrounded the publisher's building and will not leave until a new printing is rushed off to press as quickly as possible, Oni Press is playing it cool with the second printing of Dylan Meconis, Ben Coleman, EA Denich, M. Victoria Robado, and Aditya Bidikar's The Long Con #1.
Of course, Oni did take the opportunity to cite praise received from various media outlets…
If you weren't at SDCC 2018 to nab a Long Con bingo card—noted by Rolling Stone in their article "25 Best Things We Saw at San Diego Comic Con 2018" and featured by The Hollywood Reporter—or the variant by Sara Richard (My Little Pony), the collector's edition reprint will be out August 29th, and will be priced at $1 to celebrate this hilarious story!
Selling for just $1, Oni is looking to get the first issue into the hands of readers who might be interested in picking up the second, which seems like a good idea. For good measure, branding it a "collector's edition" is sure to tempt some hapless speculators to double dip. It's a win-win.
The second printing will be in stores on August 29th.
Five years ago, a cataclysmic event obliterated everything within a fifty mile radius of the Los Spinoza Convention Center—including the attendees of Long Con, the world's biggest (and longest) comic convention. But unknown to the outside world, the con-goers not only survived, they kept the convention going.