Posted in: Batman, Comics, DC Comics | Tagged: Batman, dc comics, deadly duo, kelley jones, marc silvestri
The Making Of A Retailer Exclusive Cover To Batman/Joker: Deadly Duo
Mike Snitzer of Original Art Inc has officially commissioned a retailer-exclusive cover by Kelley Jones for the upcoming Batman/Joker: Deadly Duo #1 coming from Marc Silvestri, Matt Hawkins and DC Comics. But how exactly does a store go through getting such an item, especially for the first time? To get an exclusive retailer cover from Marvel or DC, shops, shows or creators have to order a minimum of 3000 copies, with subsequent variants of the variant at 1500 and 1000. They pay the full wholesale price, plus the artist's cost – unless they are representing the artist themselves. These can be sold for premium prices or used for promotional purposes as they often have the name of the store somewhere. They have also been very handy for publishers looking to bump the numbers on a title, adding tens of thousands of orders to a comic book just by making this option available. An increase in availability from Marvel dulled the "specialness" of these covers, and DC Comics has been increasing the number of issues they make available for this as well. Bleeding Cool has permission to reprint Mike Snitzer's diary for putting this thing together. But it started off very differently. And right now, Snitzer is running a Kickstarter campaign to fund the cover in question.
Aug 9, 2022: Had the idea to commission various artists I know to create Batman/Spawn cover quality art all of the same theme: Batman-style sound effects with "BAM!", "POW!", "KRUNCH!", etc. Had the idea while live watching David Finch's YouTube Stream with guest artist Ryan Stegman. Ryan does a lot of splash pages with sound-effects embedded in the action. Dave and Ryan talked about how cool it was, etc. I couldn't agree more: I own a "KRUNCH!" DPS that Ryan did for both Venom 1 and Absolute Carnage 1:
I actually emailed Dave the next day and arranged to buy his Vanish sketch that he did on the stream.
Aug 9, 2022: Decided the best way to achieve my longer-term goals in the Comics industry is to establish myself as a known quantity and brand within the industry. Work with established norms rather than try to force my new ideas. I've merely been an avid comic art collector (embarrassed to say I've spent ~$250K on original art since 2018, amazing how quickly it adds up!). Because of my spending, artists I like came to know me. I have designs for getting artists residual money for all sales of their art in the secondary market. But getting them to enter into some sort of business arrangement was/is much harder than getting them to kindly sell me their wonderful art. Of all the artists I've gotten to know: Jim Cheung and Brett Booth have been the most kind, helpful and friendly. Each took quite a bit of time to discuss my ideas over the past year.
Aug 12, 2022: Texted Jim Cheung that I had emailed him my idea to have him, and others, do an exclusive variant cover for Batman/Spawn. We discussed various details via text, and that he had some work he needed to finish when he returned from a planned vacation, etc. But Jim was interested in doing a variant cover if I could get set up in time to do one with DC. I knew time was short, and that I didn't have any formal association with DC. Pulling it off was unlikely but I didn't let that slow me down.
Aug 13, 2022: Jason Schachter (art rep and owner of Essential Sequential) let me know that I'd need a retailer account id for DC to allow me to do a variant cover. I reached out to Jason because he had just finished a Kickstarter campaign for Dave Finch and so I was interested to get his thoughts on my ideas (which included using Kickstarter).
Aug 13, 2022: Created my Lunar Distribution account that Saturday night. Because I had already formed my "Original Art, Inc" business on Nov 2, 2021 I was able to leverage my business to get setup with Lunar very quickly. But I still needed to finish account setup and be approved with Lunar's 3rd party Sales Tax verification company (needed to establish Resale Certificate)
Aug 15, 2022: Lunar Distribution account was approved on Monday at 2:45pm. Lunar Distribution also referred me to DC's variant cover program. Dealing with all that red tape as quickly as I did was HUGE, it set me up to quickly be in touch about Batman/Spawn and DC's variant cover program in general. And was ultimately why I was able to quickly pivot to focusing on doing a DEADLY DUO 1 exclusive on Aug 19, 2022(see below).
Aug 15, 2022: Emailed DC on Monday at 3:51pm to introduce myself and my urgent interest in getting set up to do an official DC variant cover for Batman/Spawn with Jim Cheung.
Aug 16, 2022: DC replied to me Tuesday at 12:48pm
This news was a gut-punch! And I initially didn't really know how to take "unfortunately it does not appear that we will be able to do exclusive covers on Batman/Spawn". I initially thought it was a problem with "me" (as a new retailer with no experience) rather than a "we" one.
Aug 16, 2022: Replied at 1:35pm, included this "But wow, that is a real shame that it seems exclusive variants will not be possible for Batman/Spawn. Is that a final decision or is there more discussion needed to settle that point within DC Entertainment?" Turns out all of DC's retailers were in the same boat, "thanks Todd!?") But I didn't learn that until Aug 17… so being the intense and impulsive person I am…
Aug 16, 2022: I called The Capullo's cell and left two voicemails at 8pm. LOL, I regretted it immediately. But I had just taken delivery of a FedEx package from Greg and Jamie Capullo with 4 pages of Spawn 53 (pencils by Greg, 2 pages inked by Todd McFarlane and 2 inked by Danny Miki). And Greg's number was on the Fedex package. I was going to _the man_ with my problem, figuring "he knows a guy!" Jamie Capullo kindly replied on August 19 to my email apologizing for the phone calls (Greg is pretty far removed from DC's business/sales side, and he didn't have influence since neither Batman or Spawn are his characters, etc).
Aug 16, 2022: I also cold-emailed Jetpack Comics at 10:50pm with the subject: "any interest in partnering on a Batman/Spawn store variant?" Jetpack's owner Ralph DiBernardo kindly replied the next morning that yes he would be interested in partnering and that we could run the book through his store if needed (he's been in business for 19 years, etc). My thinking was: if it might be a "me problem" surely I can overcome that by teaming up with an established and respected shop that isn't too far from me!?
Aug 17, 2022: Emailed DC with a re-pitch for a Batman/Spawn cover by Jim Cheung presented by Original.Art Comics and Jetpack Comics. DC replied apologizing for the misunderstanding, but that no retailers were doing Batman/Spawn covers. But he did let Ralph and I know that he would still be working on trying to make Batman/Spawn variants a possibility. DC also added me to the mailing list for announcing DC's variant cover opportunities to retailers. Sadly, Batman/Spawn retailer variants never did happen but I'm happy I tried extremely hard to pursue what I naively thought possible (I'm a diehard Spawn fan/collector, Batman too really). Because like I mentioned above: it set me up to be in the perfect position to actually do my first retailer exclusive for another exciting DC book.
Aug 19, 2022: Friday at 2:26pm DC mailing list: "DC Custom Cover Announcement – Batman & Joker The Deadly Duo #1"
While I agree when people say "you make your own luck", this was an instance of that noble luck combining with absolute "dumb luck"! I pounced by asking if Marc Silvestri was available. Marc wasn't because he was/is doing his own exclusive variant (for his TopCow Store). DC asked if I had any other artists in mind, and I replied asking if Arthur Adams or Kelley Jones were available. Didn't hear back from DC until Aug 29, 2022.
Actually had a long planned week-long family vacation to the Outer Banks, NC. Placed my first DC Comics order with Lunar Distribution for 100 copies of the 30th Anniversary issue of "The Death of Superman".
Aug 24, 2022: emailed Arthur Adams asking if he might have time and interest in doing a DEADLY DUO variant for me through DC's official variant cover program.
Aug 25, 2022: Arthur's wife, artist Joyce Chin, replied that they were traveling for FanExpo Canada but that she wanted to let me know Arthur wasn't able to do a cover given the tight time constraints. Wished me luck on my new venture and said "Perhaps another time." I sure hope so, I love Authur's work (Joyce's too actually!). I was lucky to buy his twice-up cover for Masters of The Universe: Revelations… sharing because I have two, ownership compels me:
Aug 27, 2022: Asked Kelley Jones, on Twitter, if he'd do my DEADLY DUO exclusive and Kelley said…
This is obviously where things got really cool and fun! And my hard work was finally bearing fruit.
Aug 29, 2022: Emailed DC again formally requesting Kelley Jones. DC kindly replied and said he'd get with Kelley and asked if I had any concepts for the cover I'd like Kelley to do. I had 2 suggestions, but the winner was: "very happy to just have Kelley let it rip however he would like; given the overall plot and 4 primary characters at the center: Batman, Joker, Harley and the new mystery villain."
Aug 31, 2022: Had a quick 30 minute introductory call with DC. Think that conversation helped cement my landing Kelley Jones with DC (as in: DC was then comfortable with giving me the opportunity). We discussed various details of DC's variant cover program. But there was still the question of whether Kelley Jones was formally "in".
Sep 1, 2022: Got confirmation from DC: "Kelley is IN! Sketches tomorrow or next week."
Sep 3, 2022: Was my 45th birthday. I was having the best week/year in a long time!
Sep 6, 2022: Got Kelley's prelim sketch for approval from DC, I approved!
Sep 12, 2022: Got Kelley's finished inks for approval from DC, I approved! I also asked about arranging for Kelley to sign and/or remarque books with his cover. DC passed along my request to Kelley, and Kelley agreed to let DC share his contact email address with me. I can be "A LOT" to deal with, so I'm putting effort into not taking advantage of Kelley's openness to email with me!
Sep 13, 2022: Requested a small change to Kelley's lineart to add/extend the hooks on the "C" in "POLICE" (was concerned it might be read/joked as "GOT POLIO"). I shared this crude approximation to convey what I meant:
Sep 13, 2022: Called "Altered Reality Entertainment" (organizers of RI ComicCon) about the possibility of hopefully getting a vendor booth or table in artists alley for their show Nov 4-6, 2022. Relative to DEADLY DUO's Nov 1 release, the timing of this show is perfect. But their vendor and artist spaces have been sold out since June. Left message that I'd be willing to put the RI ComicCon logo on the back cover of my DEADLY DUO 1 exclusive.
Sep 13, 2022: Called David Finch to discuss RI ComicCon and the fact that he just announced he'd be attending on his recent "Monday Night Draw" stream. Dave kindly offered to reach out to ComicSketchArt who had arranged for him to attend RI ComicCon. Given RI ComicCon was sold out I was hoping anything might shake a space loose for me. I later planted the seed with Dave, via email, to see if he might like to have Kelley Jones as a guest on his YouTube stream. I haven't heard back on that yet (but still have that iron in the fire with Dave's art rep Jason Schachter). Dave really loves Kelley's art but never met him so this seems like a win-win-win.. We'll see!
Sep 14, 2022: Sent my first email to Kelley Jones at 12:57am (10:57pm for him in CA). Gave Kelley various information about how I wanted to approach selling the book, how I would share profits with him, and ask if he were available to attend RI ComicCon Nov 4-6. Kelley couldn't attend due to work conflict. But he is open to me sending him 330 books (100 of each edition A, B and C. And 30 additional "C" covers for him to remarque).
Sep 14, 2022: Decided to purchase the inside front cover ad for the RI ComicCon program that evening. Thinking that: if I couldn't attend, at least I'd maybe get some sales of my DEADLY DUO book through the more prominent ad.
Sep 15, 2022: In the morning, I called RI ComicCon again to ask for the image specs for their program's inside front cover ad. Steven Perry was the person who answered (he is in charge of booking artists, and likely other things. Steven is also the person that ComicSketchArt said they worked with to book Dave Finch). Given my ad purchase and my willingness to make my exclusive comic book an officially licensed RI ComicCon product: Steve was willing to push the person for one "artists alley" table that they repeatedly couldn't get payment for and give it to me! Got the RI ComicCon 10th Anniversary logo from their art director and passed it along for inclusion on the back cover.
Sep 15, 2022: Got a candidate for final art (finished colors)! They forgot to fix the hooks on the "C" in "POLICE". Also, something seemed "off" with the new Villain, but I couldn't place it. Turns out they caught their own mistake and later extended a menacing red Joker-like smile to the corner of his mouth:
Sep 16, 2022: Worked out the details with CGC for Kelley to directly do a mail-based CGC Signature Series submission and passed the info on to Kelley. Also applied to be a CGC dealer. That application is still pending.
Sep 19, 2022: "Final art" deadline for all Deadly Duo 1 variants. Turns out that was more final variant edition art cutoff (e.g. Covers A, B and C, possibly D) for all retailers participating in the DEADLY DUO 1 variant program. I requested a few changes and they were approved. The need to respect Kelley's long Batman ears. My strong preference to use the actual artboard scan of Kelley's original art. To showcase Kelley's wonderfully rendered details (pencils, inks, whiteout, offwhite page, blueline artboard border, etc), before vs after:
Sep 19, 2022: A lot of finishing details all over the map the rest of the week
- Ordering 5500 BCW bags+boards
- Ordering 2000 Gemini comic mailers
- Ordering a thermal printer and labels
- Ordering and designing a retractable banner for RI ComicCon
- Working on the associated listings and bigcartel source code
- Working on the associated eBay listing
Sep 28, 2022: All the events I shared in my initial Oct 1, 2022 email kicked off with Kelley tweeting his art (without either of us hearing "OK" from DC, etc). There was one retailer holding everyone up, the first exclusive for them too, but as such other retailers just went ahead with announcing. Kelley showed his solid command of expected norms by doing this, and I'm very grateful he knew to announce like he did. DC's complete approval of that was welcome relief, but it really was a non-issue.
Sep 28, 2022: I built on Kelley's announcement by Tweeting @OriginalArt's announcement of the 3 cover variant editions ("A", "B" and "C") and associated PRESALE via the @OriginalArt Twitter. Also simultaneously launched the PRESALE on and eBay
Oct 2, 2022. Spent most of Sunday working on a very high resolution template for a 6 foot table cover for the Original.Art Comics table at RI ComicCon.This pic of the approved proof doesn't really do it justice, but hopefully the finished product will! (But here is a high res PDF or PNG, while they last).
If you got this far, you're a saint, thanks for your time and interest!
The Rhode Island Comic Con runs from the 4th of November to the 6th of November. Batman/Joker: The Deadly Duo is published on the 1st of November. The Kickstarter campaign for the Kelley Jones cover is here.
(W/A/CA) Marc Silvestri
The Joker will go to any lengths to get Harley Quinn back after she is abducted by a strange culprit. But who? Mysterious, Joker-like monsters are stalking the streets of Gotham, collecting severed heads. But why? Jim Gordon is missing, and after receiving a package containing a bloody piece of Gotham's commissioner, Batman knows he must be willing to do anything to save him. But how? When The Joker proposes an uneasy alliance with Batman, the answers to those questions begin to become clear–and they will shake Gotham City and the Bat-Family to their core. This meticulously crafted tale of the Dark Knight's deadliest team-up will introduce you to a grim and gritty Gotham that only Marc Silvestri could bring you.
Retail: $4.99 In-Store Date: 11/1/2022
