Posted in: Comics | Tagged: breakfast, c2e2, Comics, entertainment
The Winners Of Spring 2016 Diamond's Retail Best Practices Awards Announced At C2E2
Here are the winners, announced at the Diamond Retailer breakfast this morning ahead of C2E2, and and their winning entries.
Best Community Involvement
Charlie's Comic Books – Tucson, AZ
I've been selling comics in Tucson, Arizona for over three decades and opened my own shop over fifteen yeas ago. Since that time I've been working seven days a week which caused me to have to cancel the volunteer work that I used to do on my days off. I realized that I had to do something to give back to the community that supports me and my family so I began hosting quarterly benefits with different charities as the beneficiaries.
The wonderful local artists embraced this idea and show up and provide free sketches for the seven hour event every three months. They also each produce an original piece of artwork, themed for the different events which we sell in a silent auction. Many artists that can't attend donate original art or hand made crafts to help out the beneficiary. I also have a raffle, one dollar per chance to win graphic novels and action figures.
The most recent event was held on Saturday, February 6 and had a Valentine's Day theme. We raised $1,425.00 for EMERGE: CENTER AGAINST DOMESTIC ABUSE.
Past events, beneficiaries and totals include:
February 2013 St. Jude Childrens Research Hospital $500.00
- May 2013 Community Food Bank $600.00 (plus 60 pounds of food)
- August 2013 Emerge $700.00
- November 2013 Primavera $700.00
- February 2014 Red Cross (for Japan relief) $600.00
- May 2014 Salvation Army $950.00
- August 2014 Casa de Los Ninos $765.00
- November 2014 Pima Council on Aging $825.00
- February 2015 Youth on Their Own $1050.00
- May 2015 Angel Charity for Children $1150.00
- August 2015 St. Jude Children's Research Hospital $2150.00
- October 2015 Community Food Bank $1250.00
Although I turned down a chance to win an Eisner Award for my shop when it was nominated a few years back, that was because I couldn't afford to take the time off to go to SDCC and make a presentation. I'm not looking for recognition; I feel these events are part of what needs to be done to be part of the community.
Here is a piece titled 'Distracted Romeo' created and donated by Ben Mackey, artist of Image's SAINTS comic.
Best Exterior Signage,
Astro-Zombies – Albuquerque, NM
When we moved into the corner location years ago we knew we wanted to have a mural on the side of the building, something fun for the whole community. Being on Route 66 we wanted to get back to the old time feel of huge signs and elaborate murals decorating the neighborhood, some lost Americana if you will. There is a well-known local artist named Dave Briggs and when I asked him about doing it he was shocked. It seems since he was a kid and first drawing there was one wall he always wanted to paint and this was it!!! The wheels we set in motion.
We gave Dave artistic freedom to do as he wished and our only requests were for certain characters to be immortalized (for instance I asked for all 4 original turtles all in red bandanas as TMNT is the whole reason I own a comic shop!) otherwise he could go about it as he wished. His vision was amazing and had something for everyone. There was an old sign still attached to the side of the store from when it had been an Apothacary years ago and he turned it into a 3D bus being attacked by Godzilla, just amazing!!
The bank next door to us loved watching it develop and still to this day thank us that it is the backdrop for their offices.
The CW TV Station used it in an advertising campaign for The Big Bang Theory. It was really cool to see billboards all over the city featuring the cast in front of our wall.
Travelers from around the globe come just to get their picture taken with it (it's even supposed to be featured in an upcoming book on historic Route 66) and we have even had 3 sets of wedding photos done with it and a few senior graduation portraits as well.
A childhood friend called me one day to say her daughters friend just got back from a trip and they were going thru her photos when she says "this next one is my favorite from our trip" and she turns to a picture of our wall. Even 2000 miles away people were calling it their favorite, I was both floored and honored.
The fact that it means so much to people in the community is exactly what we wanted. To give back to everyone who has given me the coolest job ever!!!
Best Halloween ComicFest,
Level Up Entertainment – Mays Landing, NJ
Every year our store puts a lot of effort into the two big free comic days: Free Comic Book Day and Halloween ComicFest. Our Free Comic Book Day routinely draws in over 4,000 people to our mall and last year we set out to grow our Halloween ComicFest event. We like to think that we succeeded with an estimated 2,000 attendees.
The main feature of 2015 (other than the comics) was our costume contest. Held on a full stage in the center court of the mall and judged by a panel of professional cosplayers, the contest featured over 100 contestant across multiple categories including Best Adult Male & Female, Best Group, Best Kids 0-5, and Best Kids 6-12. Winners were provided with a trophy and prize package in a custom printed canvas bag.
In addition to the free comics given away, we also supplied attendees with free candy and the first 200 people to walk through the door received a custom printed Halloween ComicFest tote, ideal for trick-or-treating later that night.
The event also featured a number of special guests from local comic creators to a special effects make-up artist who provided movie quality effects make-up to attendees.
Rounding out the event's activities were raffle prizes, board game demonstrations, and a store-wide sale. The event was promoted in advance with a social media campaign, print marketing, and a float in the local Halloween parade.
We were very proud of how the event turned out this year and can't wait to do it again.
Best Back Issues Section
All About Books and Comics – Phoenix, AZ
With 16 custom made back issues shelves holding 768 short comic boxes, we have over 115,000 back issue comics sorted alphabetically on the display floor with easy access for customers. Each box has a custom Back Issue Sticker with our Store Logo. In addition we have over 100 boxes behind the desk of over 15,000 Gold, Silver and Bronze comics that customers can view a box at a time at the counter. Our glass cases hold rotating displays of back issues, and our walls are adorned with changing selections of back issues. We have selections of all genres, including, Atlas, Gold Key, Dell, Classics Illustrated, Westerns, War, Horror, Archie, Funny Animal, Marvel, DC, Image, and Independent companies. Add the 75,000 99 cent comics in our discount comic hub and our back issue selection is the largest and most organized in Arizona.
Best Relocation
All About Books & Comics – Phoenix, AZ
In October 2014 we found out that we had lost our lease in a location we had been well established in for 15 years. We worked tirelessly to find a location within walking distance so as not to lose our customer base. By the end of December we had signed a lease and were ready to let our customers know that we found a location around the corner. Ww announced with the them of "Turning the Corner" in 2015 which we did figuratively and physically.
The problem was we had a few months and limited budget to turn a gutted storefront into a beautiful new shop. We created a successful Kickstarter campaign and with the help of our community we were able to turn this gutted store into this beautiful new location.