Posted in: Comics | Tagged: april fool, Comics, entertainment
Those Were The 2016 April Fools That Were
It is noon in Burbank, so any April Fool tomfoolery on Bleeding Cool has come to an end. Any articles that ran this morning on Bleeding Cool that were April Fools have now had FOOL added to the beginning of the title.
Any that have not… were not April Fools. Traditionally Bleeding Cool likes to run stories you expect are fools on April Fool's day only for people to discover the opposite. Here are a few previous examples of stories that ran on the morning of this auspicious day.
- Dynamite To Publish Grumpy Cat Comics
- Neal Adams Racebends Stan Lee's Two Issue Flop, Solarman
- Christian Creed On A USA Map Trademarked For Comics
- Ex-Marvel Editor Banned From Using Recap Page After One Issue Of Coffin Hill with disbelieving responses here
- CB Cebulski To Be Ultimate Marvel Comics Celebrity Chef
- Zenescope To Publish Their First Children's Book. About Crabs.
- DC Comics Forces Boom To Change Title Of Clive Barker's New Genesis To Something Worse
- Marvel To Publish Inhumans Comic With Game Of Thrones In Mind with disbelieving responses here.
- The Donna Troy Fan In Dan DiDio's Life
- Jesse Grillo's Guide To A Successful Kickstarter
- Dick Tracy To Solve The Kidnap Of Little Orphan Annie
There were all sorts of reactions to today's stories.
Other examples today from other places include:
The French government has replaced the Angoulême Festival director with former Grand Prix winner and legendary French comics author (and woman) Florence Cestac.
Humanoids changed the name of The Incal to The Inkle to be more American.
A lot of popular and ongoing web-strips used exactly the same joke today.