Posted in: Comics, Run Around | Tagged: Comics
Thursday Runaround – Behind The Mask
MaskWatch: David Lloyd, creator of the V For Vendetta mask, visits the Wall Street protests.
A curious Lloyd visited the Occupy Wall Street protest in Zuccotti Park, New York, to have a look at some of the people wearing his mask.
"My feeling is the Anonymous group needed an all-purpose image to hide their identity and also symbolise that they stand for individualism – V for Vendetta is a story about one person against the system."
CosplayWatch: Cosplay-themed restaurants spread through China.
"The restaurants themselves are part eatery and part role-playing game. They serve food, snacks and beverages, and the costumed waitresses treat the customers, who are mainly men, as if they are noblemen of days gone by."
EndTimesWatch: Could this be the end of comics as we know them... or the start of something new?
A newly developed software in Taiwan will give all users a chance to instantly become cartoonists, as it automatically converts photographs into cartoon format.
The software, called "Manga Director," will make its debut at Taiwan's top research institute on Oct. 22 and be available for free public use through Facebook within three months, the developers said.
Tu Yen-chen, one of the software's developers at Academia Sinica, said that users only need to load photographs into the software, which will then convert the pictures into cartoon images.
ArchaiaWatch: North Jersey press covers local publisher Archaia's rise.
Now that "Mouse Guard" has gone through two sequels and garnered some of the industry's highest awards, Smylie can look back and muse, "I don't know what I did in another life to wind up publishing 'Mouse Guard,' but yeah, David basically brought us lightning in a bottle."
The success of "Mouse Guard" not only brought Smylie financial success and artistic freedom, but it earned him the reputation of being able to spot a great story clear across a convention floor.
PopArtWatch: Hey everyone, it's "Let's Argue Lichtenstein" time again!
Chris Thorne: So wait, I can paint a Byrne/Austin panel from X-men on canvas, change a word or two and become a Pop Art Icon? How is Lichtenstein not compared to Rob Granito? Will Granito's paintings be pop art auction items in 20 years?
ZombieWatch: Arthur Suydam appears to have double booked himself, and has pulled out from the New Jersey Zombie Walk and Undead Festival in Asbury Park for a second year in a row, in favour of attending the Mid-Ohio Con, who announced him as a guest back in August. However the Zombie Walk only found out this week…
UnboxingWednesdayWatch: Stadium Comics in Brampton, Ontario goes through their week's good stuff.
This is Computo the Comic Link Conqueror speaking. I come for your women. But for now I merely collate comic-related bits and pieces online. One day I will rule. Until that day, read on.
They say I am a work in progress. The fools.Extreme 2012 Preview
Free preview book.
After months of no shipments from settlements in Greenland, a band of Vikings set off for answers only to find themselves pitted against monsters lurking in the icy depths and amongst one another.
Butterfly hunters, dentists and the history of the comic book
Beinecke recently acquired a nearly complete collection of Töpffer's work, which includes not only comics, but also drawings, essays regarding his technique and a fan decorated by hand with images of mystical creatures. Even Töpffer's perfect cursive reflects his dedication to the little things: his details are miniscule, his craftsmanship beautiful. Also included is the 1845 issue of Illustration magazine, in which Töpffer's Monsieur Cryptograme became the first serial comic ever printed.
News just in that, sadly the new 68 page UK adventure monthly Strip Magazine, which was due to launch tomorrow, has been delayed.
And yo, a pic of me without slap. Well, it is almost Hallowe'en…
In a Battle of the E-Readers, Booksellers Spurn Superheroes
The newsletter Publishers Lunch said Mr. Gaiman, the best-selling and award-winning author of "The Graveyard Book" and other fantasies, was among those invited to the second annual Campfire, organized by Jeffrey P. Bezos, Amazon's chief executive. The secret event, where leading writers and intellectuals gather for three days of fun and discussion, was reportedly held last weekend in Santa Fe, N.M. Mr. Gaiman declined to say if he was there. Amazon had no comment.