A Brand New Ultimate Spider-Man made the top of Bleeding Cool traffic yesterday. And I am back on my way to London Toy Fair!
Posted in: Comics | Tagged: auction, Comics, entertainment, herge, Little Nemo, tintin, windsor mckay
Tintin Page Sells For Over $1,700,000 At Auction, Breaking World Record
It had a high estimate of under a million dollars. But the Sotheny auction of comic book artwork and ephemera saw this double page from Tintin And The Sceptre Of Ottokar by Herge sell for 1,563,000 Euros or $1,706,374. This is a world record price for such a double page spread of comic book artwork.
That's a lot of change, especially considering Tintin is hardly visible in it…. Other items also broke their high estimates, such as this Windsor McKay Little Nemo original page estimated at a high of $57,000, but sold for over $92,000.
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