Posted in: Comics, Comics Publishers, DC Comics | Tagged: dawn of dc, dc comics, Titans
Turning Teen Titans Into The Justice League & Jon Kent in Injustice
Tom Taylor has been talking about the new Titans series and that "There's something coming in the Gotham universe that's getting a lot of fire under a lot of people."
Tom Taylor has been talking to Gregg Katzman of CBR about the upcoming Dawn Of DC publishing initiative at DC Comics, alongside other DC Comics creators. Talking about his relaunched Jon Kent: Superman comic as Adventure Comics, the relaunch of a new Titans series and the continuing Nightwing.
"There's something coming in the Gotham universe that's getting a lot of fire under a lot of people, it's going to be really exciting. There's something that's going to spin out of Titans that's huge and massive. I think I've been writing Adventures of Superman for the last few days. What's happening in that book is some of the twistiest stuff I've written in a very long time. It's a great soap opera, plus all the stuff that people liked about Injustice mixed together in a very hopeful book. I think it's a great time to jump on board."
"Nightwing is this ultra-positive book that highlights these fantastic characters that for a while haven't been… These are pillars. These are characters that should be pillars. So I'm working with a lot of what people would see as legacy characters that are now stepping into the spotlight. You've got Nightwing, Jon Kent Adventures of Superman, Titans are about to become the flagship superhero book at DC Comics, taking over for Justice League. I feel like Dawn of DC is really fulfilling the promise that there was for all of these legacy characters to step up and become the best heroes they can be. They've never really been this before, the Titans have never quite been the Justice League before."
Though as Bleeding Cool has pointed ut, the Justice League will be back for the autumn…
Tom Taylor also first made it big at DC Comics with the game tie-in comic Injustice: Gods Among Us, and he gets a chance to revisit those glory days. "We're also taking Jon Kent and [putting] him into the multiverse and having him visit the Injustice world. To me, Jon Kent is a very pure version of Superman, who's quite he's younger and very passionate because of how young he is. He wants to see some change. So going into a world where he can see the change that has occurred because of a Superman who has suffered great trauma and tragedy, and turned that into something where he feels like he's creating [a] utopia in paradise. Seeing how John's going to view that and how that's going to challenge him is very exciting. It's taking everything that, particularly Injustice, did in the past. I mean, I think Injustice is like 10 years old now, which is terrifying, but going back to visit that world, with this new character that's only been around for about as long as Injustice, that hasn't grown up, hasn't been bisexual for that long, and is finding his identity stepping into there is looking at the past and morphing it once again, and twisting it once again in really exciting ways."
(W) Tom Taylor (A/CA) Nicola Scott
The Dark Crisis is over, and the Justice League is no more. Now, a new team must rise and protect the Earth…Titans, go! The Teen Titans are ready to grow up. Each member joined as a much younger hero, certain that one day they'd be invited to join the Justice League. But the time has come for them not to join the League…but to replace it! Are the no-longer-teen heroes ready for the big leagues? Danger lurks around every corner as heroes and villains alike challenge the new team before they've even begun. Will the DCU ever be the same? Find out in this landmark first issue brought you by the all-star creative team of Tom Taylor (Nightwing, DCeased) and Nicola Scott (Wonder Woman Historia, Earth 2)! Retail: $3.99 In-Store Date: 5/16/2023
(W) Tom Taylor (A/CA) Clayton Henry
Jon Kent arrives on an Earth he's never seen…the world of Injustice! While a Kal-El rules this world in seeming peace, why does everyone Jon meets fear the S symbol on his chest? And why is Batman public enemy number one? Jon has to pick a side, and the consequences make either choice a dangerous one!
Retail: $3.99 In-Store Date: 5/2/2023
(W) Tom Taylor, CS Pacat (A) Travis Moore, Eduardo Pansica (CA) Bruno Redondo
Nightwing and the Titans realize the only way to save Olivia is to…go to hell! Seeing how ineffective his punching was when he last confronted Neron's demons, Nightwing is temporarily powered up by magic in order to make it through the depths of hell alive…literally. Then, in the backup: Nightwing and Jon Kent find an important clue as to who's behind the circus murders, and that person may be connected to Dick Grayson…
Retail: $4.99 In-Store Date: 5/16/2023
Turning Teen Titans Into The Justice League & Jon Kent in Injustice #teentitans #dawnofdc #justiceleague @tomtaylormade