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Walter Simonson Joining Scott Dunbier At His New Publisher?

A number of creators/publishers have what is known as a "key man" or "key person" clause in their contracts with IDW, namely Scott Dunbier.

Article Summary

  • Scott Dunbier's exit from IDW may trigger key creator contract clauses.
  • Comic icon Walter Simonson weighs future projects post-Dunbier departure.
  • Dunbier to start a new comic publisher after innovative tenure at IDW.
  • Simonson, creator of Ragnarok and Beta Ray Bill, influenced by Dunbier.

Bleeding Cool understands that one confirmed and possibly more creators or publishers have what is known as a "key man" or "key person" clause in their contracts with IDW Publishing, which means they only remain valid while a company employs an individual. And that "Key man" is Scott Dunbier, Special Projects Editor.

Walter Simonson Joining Scott Dunbier At His New Publisher?
Walter Simonson © Luigi Novi/Wikimedia Commons

I spoke to Walter Simonson yesterday who confirmed he had such a contract with IDW regarding Dunbier. He told me, "I've been doing a lot of work – variant covers and such – for other companies for a while, and we're also moving in a few weeks after 36 years in our present house. I think I'll finally be going back to Ragnarök in the second half of this year, but I've had a lot of other things to think about recently. However, Scott is one of the main reasons I began the book in the first place so that'll be a major factor in whatever I decide to do next."

Last week, Bleeding Cool broke the story that Scott Dunbier, Special Projects Editor at IDW, was leaving the publisher, and that he was starting a new comic publisher. Art dealer turned EIC of Wildstorm Studios before it was bought by DC Comics, he pioneered the Absolute oversized hardcover format at DC which has now become the industry norm. At IDW, Scott Dunbier pioneered another new format, the Artist's Edition, replicating original artwork on the page as close as possible to the original.

Walter Simonson ia best known for writing and drawing Thor from 1983 to 1987, during which he created the character Beta Ray Bill. There is also the creator-owned work Star Slammers, which originated in 1972 before gaining greater prominence in the nineties. He is also known for Fantastic Four run creating the Time Variance Authority, X-Factor co-creating Apocalypse, as well as Detective Comics, Manhunter, Metal Men, Orion, Star Wars, Alien, Battlestar Galactica, Robocop vs. Terminator. And then there was his recent Norse series Ragnarok from IDW Publishing, as well as Artist's Editions of his work with Scott Dunbier.

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Rich JohnstonAbout Rich Johnston

Founder of Bleeding Cool. The longest-serving digital news reporter in the world, since 1992. Author of The Flying Friar, Holed Up, The Avengefuls, Doctor Who: Room With A Deja Vu, The Many Murders Of Miss Cranbourne, Chase Variant. Lives in South-West London, works from The Union Club on Greek Street, shops at Gosh, Piranha and FP. Father of two daughters. Political cartoonist.
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