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What If America Was A Monarchy? And It Was Run By Prince Geoffrey?

Brian Hawkins writes for Bleeding Cool:

What if America had never been a democracy but instead a monarchy? It's modern day America but under the reign and rule of a descendant of George Washington, Prince Geoffrey, who is the sole heir and soon to be king of the United Kingdom of America. It's twenty-first century America, but in this alternate history things are subtly different; Knights instead of the Secret Service, swords have replaced guns, and there's a rebel group bent on usurping the monarchy of the United Kingdom of America to turn it into a democracy…

AK CoverAmerica's Kingdom is an eighteen issue comic book series that asks and then answers the question of "What if?" as it pertains to the single most powerful and greatest nation in the world – the home of the brave and the land of the free, the United States of AMERICA. However, in this alternate history/reality, the United States never existed. Rather, after the Revolutionary War, George Washington became king instead of president, a choice that he actually had historically, and the United Kingdom of America was born. [Our] story picks up in the twenty-first century where the eleventh heir of the Washington family, Prince Geoffrey, is set to take the throne. The Prince's ascension to the throne is fraught with ambivalence because the climate of the most powerful nation in the world is anything but peaceful as power ultimately corrupts and the sovereignty of the Washington family is in jeopardy by rebel forces.

ak cover 2Doing an alternate history/reality story about America allows for something original and creative to spawn from something that already has a rich history and story to it. In America's Kingdom, the story lends itself to borrowing from the past to reshape it; indentured servitude is used to assuage debt and historical figures and names are brought into the present and ancestors of historical figures, such as Petrarck Henry, a descendant of the Patrick Henry, are given prominent roles in the evolving storyline. In addition to America's rich history, a tinge of the medieval is brought into modernity as Knights wielding swords and riding on horses are juxtaposed against motorcycle riding rebels who are smuggling guns back into the kingdom after a ten year gun prohibition. The stage is set for a new age battle and an alternate reality Civil War.

The creative team of America's Kingdom is excited about the project as a whole – its ties to this reality and history combined with the creation of a new reality and history. The art is indepth and fresh and its colors sets a dark mood for a different America, one that is more dangerous and cold and is led by a sovereign that is borderline narcissistic.

For print and digital copies of America's Kingdom Issue 1 and subsequent issues go to and for digital PDFs only go to

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Dan WicklineAbout Dan Wickline

Has quietly been working at Bleeding Cool for over three years. He has written comics for Image, Top Cow, Shadowline, Avatar, IDW, Dynamite, Moonstone, Humanoids and Zenescope. He is the author of the Lucius Fogg series of novels and a published photographer.
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