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What Is… Venom: First Host?
Marvel continues to drop lotsa listings on Amazon, and as ever we are looking at the tea leaves seeing what we can divine.
First up is Venom: First Host. Volume 1 by Mike Costa and Mark Bagley, I thought that it might have been a collection of their work together on the Marvel Legacy version of Venom, but those volumes have already been published or scheduled.
But as Venom gets relaunched after #165 for a new Venom #1 written by Donny Cates and Ryan Stegman, could Costa and Bagley have some more Venomous tales to tell? Or are these old tales I am not factoring in? Or is it an Amazon mistake?
Could Venom: First Host be the next Venom weekly mini-series to run, in order to get collected so soon, and out alongside the new Venom movie?
And 'First Host'? Well, for Venom that would have been Peter Parker… wouldn't it? After Deadpool's Secret Secret Wars, does Deadpool count now?