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When Russell T Davies Was A Comic Book Creator

Once upon a time, Russell T Davies wrote and drew comics. Sometimes, they were about Doctor Who. But often about his school.

Article Summary

  • Russell T Davies' early comics included Doctor Who and his school life.
  • He taught drawing on BBC's Playaway before moving behind the camera.
  • Davies' teenage comic strips featured classic Doctor Who adversaries.
  • He has expressed interest in returning to drawing, potentially for Titan Comics.

Once upon a time, Russell T Davies wrote and drew comics. Sometimes, they were about Doctor Who. Sometimes they were about his school. He even ended up on the BBC kids TV series Playaway teaching kids to draw before deciding that being in front of the camera just wasn't for him. But courtesy of a a few scans and a recent Alan Yentob biographical Imagine… looking at Russell T Davies' work, we were able to piece a few of them together with some carefully taken and tessellated screengrabs.

When Russell T Davies Was A Comic Book Creator

So we get a look at some of the Doctor Who comic books he put together when he was a teenage, and you can see just why he decided to remake Star Beast by Pat Mills and Dave Gibbons for the new 60th anniversary series, taken from the Doctor Who Weekly back in the day.

When Russell T Davies Was A Comic Book Creator

Giving us a Fourth Doctor Vs Omega storyline, and the kind of Fourth Doctor line that Russell T Davies would run back to time and time again. "On the contrary" turned up in his scripts a few times, I remember it in Torchwood's Miracle Day a bit…

When Russell T Davies Was A Comic Book Creator

And the Daleks and the Cybermen of course…

When Russell T Davies Was A Comic Book Creator

…long before Doomsday, Russell T Davies had them clashing in his comic books.

When Russell T Davies Was A Comic Book Creator

But also the strip he wrote for his high school. The Olchfa School is the largest secondary school in Swansea, South Wales, with The New Adventures Of Goose. One ofw which stared the teacher Iris Williams, who had the reputation of getting pupils to apply to Oxbridge colleges… including Russell.

When Russell T Davies Was A Comic Book Creator

You know, if Titan Comics are looking for someone to work on their Doctor Who comic books, he says he doesn't draw enough, maybe you might want to try and entice him back? On last week's Saturday Live, he said he'd be up for doing more drawing again…

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Rich JohnstonAbout Rich Johnston

Founder of Bleeding Cool. The longest-serving digital news reporter in the world, since 1992. Author of The Flying Friar, Holed Up, The Avengefuls, Doctor Who: Room With A Deja Vu, The Many Murders Of Miss Cranbourne, Chase Variant. Lives in South-West London, works from The Union Club on Greek Street, shops at Gosh, Piranha and FP. Father of two daughters. Political cartoonist.
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