Preview Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles x Naruto #2, where two legendary ninja teams face off against the Foot Clan while learning to work together beneath Big Apple Village.
Posted in: Comics | Tagged: captain america, captain america: sam wilson, marvel, morning glories, nick spencer, Sam Wilson
Will The Falcon Be Deported In Captain America: Sam Wilson #17?
If there's one thing readers can count on from superstar writer Nick Spencer (because it sure isn't plot development in Morning Glories), it's subtle political commentary. So it's no surprise that an upcoming issue of Captain America: Sam Wilson #17 will focus on conservative news media trying to get the All-New Falcon deported for being an undocumented immigrant. At least, that's what we see in this preview, cribbed from Newsarama:
With art by Paul Renaud and a cover by Daniel Acuna, Captain America: Sam Wilson #17 hits stores next week.
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