Posted in: Comics | Tagged: captain abearica, captain america, Comics, entertainment, marvel, north carolina, t-shirt
Yes, Tennessee, You Can Buy A Captain Abearica T-Shirt
This is a T-Shirt that Bleeding Cool EIC Hannah Means-Shannon bought while taking a recent trip to the mountain forests of North Carolina and Tennessee.
And for some reason, was proud enough of her purchase to show off to me, picked up in Gatlinburg, Tennessee, on the edge of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park.
I don't think it is in any way officially licensed. But it does say so much about America to me.
And how forestry folk try to appeal to the youth using pop culture imagery from World War II.
They could at least have had the bear biting Hitler's head off in a reprise of his first issue.
Expect to see Hannah wearing this, quite un-self-consciously at a comic book convention near you soon.