Posted in: Ashes of Creation, Games, Intrepid Studios, Video Games | Tagged: Ashes of Creation, Intrepid Studios
"Ashes Of Creation" Receives A New Creature In The Scalerunner
Intrepid Studios have released a new creature into Ashes Of Creation as you'll be scattering across the planes on top of a Scalerunner. The devs showed off the new beast this week, which serves as a new mount to get where you need to go quickly, but is also terrifying and comes with its own challenges to navigate. They also released some info on the beast and a new Ashes Of Creation video for you to see its creation.
While the Scalerunner is the thing of nightmare used to scare children into obedience, to a trained soldier, it is a creature worthy of arduous months of training to hone it into a mount that makes for a terrifying opponent, one rare enough to cause enemies to pause before charging. Tales circulate through many a soldier's war camp of how the outcome of a battle hinged upon the efforts of the reptiles and their riders – if left unimpeded, the Scalerunner can easily outflank any groundborn force. Riders marching through towns on campaign are an inspiring sight to would-be tamers of this savage creature. However, those who have witnessed them in battle know that both beast and rider are monsters in their own right.