Check out the latest trailer for the horror game White Knuckle, as the developers show off more of the environments you'll climb through
Posted in: Games, Video Games | Tagged: Final Fantasy, Final Fantasy 12, Final Fantasy XII, Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age, Penelo, Square Enix, Vaan
Childhood Friends Explored In Latest Trailer For 'Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age'
Square Enix revealed a brand new trailer for Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age in Japan, focusing primarily on Vaan and Penelo. You get a whole two minutes of presentation, all in Japanese, showing off the game and the story as it pertains to the childhood friends. You also get a little bit of a peak into the battle sequences, but not much beyond that. In any case, the trailer gives you a nice two-minute peek at the game before it comes out on July 11 for PS4.

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