Posted in: Games, Hasbro, Tabletop | Tagged: Fork Milk Kidnap
Hasbro Launches Adult Party Game Fork Milk Kidnap
Hasbro has taken the FMK format and made a new adult party title out of it, as Fork Milk Kidnap is now available for purchase.
Article Summary
- Hasbro's new game, Fork Milk Kidnap, is an adult party title now available.
- Fork Milk Kidnap offers twisted choices and promotes hilarious banter among players.
- Achieve points by matching the majority's object-action pairings, first to 5 wins.
- The game includes 400 cards, ensuring endless laughter and replayability.
Hasbro has a new tabletop title out on the market that's more for adults than family, as you can dive into Fork Milk Kidnap right now. The entire premise behind the game is that it's a play on F&%$ Marry Kill, but with three options you might not like even less than those. You'll be given three options of actions, followed by three people by whom you'll have to choose to do what with. The player with the next explanation is thew winner of that round. We have more info about it below, but the game is available via Target and Walmart right now.
Fork Milk Kidnap
The Fork Milk Kidnap party game is the NSFW adults-only game that will have you and your friends making questionable choices. Each round, one player flips over 3 Action cards and 3 Object cards. Then, everyone secretly decides which Object they would pair with each Action. For example, who would you tongue bathe? All seven dwarfs, Florida Man, or the player of your choice? Everyone takes turns revealing all 3 of their pairings and explaining their reasoning. Expect some banter. And judgement. Players score a point when their pairings match the majority's answers. The first to score 5 points wins! Looking for funny icebreaker games for adults or adult party games for game night? For ages 17 and up, the Fork Milk Kidnap game is a fun adult game for parties, girls' nights in, and more.
- IT'S LIKE FMK, BUT MORE FORKED UP: The Fork Milk Kidnap game is the parlor game of Fork Marry Kill with a forked-up twist! For ages 17 and up
- CREATE 3 HILARIOUSLY UNHINGED SCENARIOS: Flip 3 Action cards and 3 Object cards. Then everybody secretly pairs up each Action and Object card to choose who (or what) they'd fork, milk, kidnap, and more
- MAKE QUESTIONABLE CHOICES: Would you fork Abe Lincoln? Start a cult with the player to your left? Kidnap a kinky mime? Take turns revealing all 3 of your pairings and explaining what the fork you were thinking
- THERE IS NO JUDGE. YOU WILL BE JUDGED, THOUGH: No judge, no voting! In this game, majority wins. Will your friends make the same forked-up choices as you? If so, you all score 1 point! Score 5 points first to win
- ADULTS-ONLY, NSFW PARTY GAME: This not-safe-for-work game is a shamelessly raunchy party game for game nights to remember. It's easy to learn and quick to play—jump right into a game. Play with up to 10 players
- 400 FORKIN' HYSTERICAL CARDS: Includes 200 Action cards and 200 Object cards, so the pee-your-pants-laughing combos keep coming. With such replayability, you can get weird with your friends again and again
- SIZE MATTERS: The Fork Milk Kidnap game has a compact package, so it's great for taking the party on the road. It's a fun portable game for bachelorette parties, gatherings with friends, and road trips