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League Of Legends Reveals New Patch Ahead Of Championships
Riot Games has a major patch on the way for League Of Legends as they start preparing for the World Championships this Fall.
Riot Games revealed a brand-new patch coming to League Of Legends, as the game has a ton of content being added before the 2023 World Championship. Patch 13.19 basically has a new adjustment for almost every Champion, offering a small adjustment here and there to balance out the gameplay. Meanwhile, as you can see below, they have a massive amount of additions, bug fixes, and more being added ahead of their major esports season, designed to stamp down issue seen during the Pro season this past Summer. We have more of the technical stuff below as you can read the full notes on their website.
OS Minimum Spec Updates
Starting with Patch 13.19 our minimum Mac OS requirement will move to 10.13.6. This is a change that will impact a small number of League Of Legends players (roughly 300 total) across both LoL and TFT who will have to update their OS prior to patch 13.19.
Behavioral Systems
Ranked Solo/Duo tends to be the queue with the highest rate of disruptive behavior. The added intensity of every game mattering is fun, but sometimes the pressure proves to be too great. We want to give players who are feeling the pressure of the ranked environment a way to reconnect with a more relaxed version of League of Legends, while at the same time introducing a penalty that is hard to work around by switching accounts for a week. For more detailed information on ranked restrictions, check out the Player Support article here!
- Ranked Restrictions: Now when receiving penalties for disruptive behavior, you can receive ranked restrictions in addition to your other penalties. These keep you from playing ranked game modes until you clear them.
- Reenabling Ranked: Get rid of your ranked restriction by playing five games of a non-ranked mode. These queues include Blind Pick, Draft Pick, ARAM, and Rotating Game Modes.
League Of Legends Ping Adjustments
In an effort to alleviate some of the toxicity League Of Legends players can face in their games, we've developed some new functionality that allows us to adjust the recipients of pings. While self-pings, enemy pings, and neutral pings are unaffected, we're changing the behavior of pinging allied states. We think it's important that you can quickly understand exactly how long it'll take for an ally's ultimate or Summoner Spell to come back from cooldown, but a significant segment of players ping their teammates' death timers and the like for non-constructive reasons, and we think the game as a whole is better without this.
In this patch, we're tuning every ally ping to display only to the pinger so that they can gather whatever information they need without abusing the feature as a means of harassing teammates. We also have work in progress for the "Bait" ping that is nearing completion. We'll monitor player feedback and behavior to see if we need to make any updates going forward. Pinging any allied information on the tab scoreboard and UI now only displays that information to the pinger in the chat and will be designated by [SELF]. This will affect the following pings:
- Allied Portrait (Alive and Time until Respawn)
- Allied Level
- Allied Ultimate Cooldown
- Allied Primary and Secondary Rune Trees
- Allied Summoner Spell 1 and 2
- Allied Item Slots 1-6
- Allied Trinket Slot
The following pings have not been changed and will still be displayed to your entire team:
- Pinging your own information in the scoreboard pings as normal to allies.
- Pinging neutral and enemy information in the scoreboard (dragon timers, enemy summoner spells, etc) prints out as normal to allies.
- Pinging your own character portrait prints out that value for your team.
Accessibility Update
If a Sion ults you in the jungle and you have no sound, it definitely still happens. That's why we are introducing our newest accessibility update: Champion Sound Notifications! These League Of Legends callouts will help you spot key champion abilities whether you are playing without audio or if you're just engaged in an epic duel and can't hear.
- You can now opt into visual notifications for global sound effects in game (Sion Ultimate, Corki Package, Briar Ultimate etc.) This notification will be off by default. When enabled, they will appear next to the kill callouts you're already familiar with.
- You can enable this feature in the "Interface" tab of the game settings menu in a new section called "Accessibility." The option is labeled: "Display Champion Sound Notifications"
Intro Bot PBE Test
In case you missed it, we've been working on some new bot AI in the background! Having your bots grow up and go onto the Rift for the first time is scary, but we finally think they're ready to go out onto PBE! This first test will only include bots at the introductory level, but they'll be waiting in queue for you on PBE servers for the next two weeks before we bring them back for some tune-ups. If you have some friends looking to learn League, have them download PBE—we'd love to get both new and veteran player feedback!
Bugfixes & QoL Changes
● Fixed a bug that caused Malzahar's E – Malefic Visions to not spread if it was cast on a minion as it was dying.
● Fixed a bug that caused Ivern's E – Triggerseed to not apply the second shield if he had Moonstone.
● Fixed a bug that caused Ornn's Passive – Living Forge to not increase his bonus stats by 4% when upgrading additional Mythic items into Masterwork items.
● Fixed a bug that caused Evelynn to be unable to hear her Q cast if it hit the target at max range.
● Fixed a bug where Briar's R – Certain Death leap would inflict AoE damage when the leap is canceled by the mark/dash Summoner Spell.
● Fixed bugged interactions between Briar's R – Certain Death and Tahm Kench and Kalista's ultimate abilities.
● Fixed a bug that caused Karthus's passive form to deal damage to allied teammates when he was slain by Briar in a berserk state.
● Fixed a bug that allowed Briar's R to maintain vision of enemies if Briar was in a revive state.
● Fixed a bug that was causing Briar's R – Certain Death VFX to not play when cast at maximum range.
● Fixed a bug that caused Briar's W dash to cancel existing move commands.
● Fixed a bug that caused Briar's Q to not bring her over walls if the target was standing next to said wall.
● Fixed a bug that caused Street Demon Briar's E SFX to not play correctly.
● Fixed a bug that caused Briar's Passive to be applied by abilities through spell shields under certain conditions.
● Fixed a bug that caused Briar's R true sight to stop working on Yuumi while she was untargetable.
● Fixed a bugged interaction with Briar's W and R that would cause Briar to not be in a Berserk state upon reaching the target and create two explosions under certain conditions.
● Fixed a bug that caused Briar's transition between attacks to her idle animations to not play correctly.
● Fixed a bug that caused Hextech Drake's lightning chain to not trigger while the drake was attacking.
● Fixed a bug that caused First Strike to not grant gold for abilities that had killed a target.
● Fixed a bug that caused First Strike to not grant gold for damage dealt to enemy shields.
● Fixed a bug where First Strike would not grant gold for damage dealt right before the effect ended.
● Fixed a bug where self-casting abilities like Lulu's shield near one of Naafiri's packmates would grant the shield to Naafiri instead.
● Fixed a bug that caused Naafiri's packmates to ignore crowd control effects.
● Fixed a bug that caused execution announcements to play for both teams even if the champion was executed in the Fog of War. Note: This should still play for both League Of Legends teams in situations where a champion is executed by an Epic monster.
● Fixed a bug where the camera would lock for a moment if a player was slain or untargetable during K'Sante's ultimate ability animation.
● Fixed a bug that caused Rift Herald to be able to charge the same tower twice if the original target was destroyed.
● Fixed a bug that sometimes caused Ahri's Q to not properly update its location when returning to Ahri if she was in the Fog of War.
● Fixed a bug that caused Orianna's R – Command: Shockwave to be castable beyond its intended range.
● Fixed a bug that caused Viego to fail to possess enemies within his attack range if he attempted to do so while Berserked.
● Fixed a bug with Unsealed Spellbook where you could get stuck with Unleashed Teleport if it upgraded while you were swapped to it.
● Fixed a bug that caused Jhin to use his homeguards running animation to play instead of his normal running animation.
● Fixed a bug that caused visual issues with Renata Glasc's model if she cast her ultimate ability while she was running.
● Fixed a bug where Duskblade and Heartsteel's effects would not reset upon dying. ● Fixed a bug that caused Bard's R stasis to not stop the drake from moving.
● Fixed a bug that caused Jax's E and R ability VFX to be visible from the Fog of War.
● Fixed a bug that caused Neeko's ultimate ability VFX to be visible from the Fog of War.
● Fixed a bug that caused Yone's E to fail to return him to his original position if he was Bard ulted during a specific time.
● Fixed a bug that was causing Duskblade's granted invulnerability to not correctly interact with other forms of invulnerability.
● Fixed a bug that was causing Warden Jax's cape and shoulder armor to clip with the champion's model during certain animations.
● Fixed a bug where Battle Boss Ziggs' Satchel Charge (W) VFX was cut off on elevated terrain.
● Fixed a bug where Odyssey Ziggs' Satchel Charge (W) VFX was cut off on elevated terrain.