Posted in: Amazon Game Studios, Games, Lost Ark, Video Games | Tagged: Amazon Games, Lost Ark
Lost Ark Receives Massive Update For The Month Of March
Amazon Games has dropped a large update into Lost Ark today as players are getting a ton of new content and fixes for the month of March. The team announced several new additions to the game today, including the new Kadan story episode, the Arkesia Grand Prix, the Argos raid boss, competitive Proving Grounds, a ton of bug fixes and improvements, and more. You can check out some of what's been added from the developer notes below, and see the full list at the link above. We also have a new video from the team down at the bottom showing parts of it off.
Looking for a change of pace after intense Abyssal Raids and Competitive Proving Grounds matches? Look no further than the limited-time Arkesia Grand Prix racing event in Lost Ark, available for the next month. In this mode, two teams of seven players (7v7) will compete against each other, racing around a course while transformed and attempting to progress toward their goal while preventing the other team from progressing. Progress can be earned by reaching the goal and eating cakes! The Arkesia Grand Prix will be live for roughly a month after the March update, until the April Update releases. An NPC named "Arkesia Grand Prix Manager" will arrive in every major city (other than Prideholme) to help you enter the event, granting an "[Event][Daily] Go to the Arena!" quest for players to gain entry. Players must be level 50 to enter the event. Please note there is a known issue that the messaging for this requirement is only available in English in-game.
Unlike the other content in the March Update, the initial March update will lay the groundwork for Season 1 of Competitive Proving Grounds, and the season will begin later in the month. We'll keep you posted on the exact time the season is set to kick-off. Time to start honing your player vs. player skills— the first season of competitive Proving Grounds is on its way; where players can battle each other for prestige and rewards. Players will be able to queue solo for the 'Team Deathmatch' mode. As you win and lose throughout the season, you can track your 'Competitive Match Average Score'. Your rank is determined based on your score, as are the rewards you receive when the season ends. To participate, players will need to play Proving Grounds and reach Tier 1, so make sure to get some matches in before Season 1 begins!
Added the Omen skin collection to the Lost Ark store. These cosmetics will be available in exchange for Royal Crystals until the April Update releases.
The March update will add a new track for players to receive daily rewards for logging and claiming on a daily basis. Rewards include a variety of helpful materials, such as honing materials, rapport selection chests, card packs, and much more! This track will have 25 daily bonuses, alongside additional rewards at the 10, 15, and 20 day thresholds. These rewards will be available until our April Update. Europe West will be receiving modified log-in bonuses to help players who moved regions to catch up. We'll share more information on our official forums soon for Europe West players.