Posted in: Devolver Digital, Games, Video Games | Tagged: Devolver Digital, Free Lives, Stick it To The Stickman
New Corporate Battler Stick It To The Stickman Announced
Devolver Digital along with developer Free Lives revealed a new game just before PAX West kicked off called Stick It To The Stickman. This is a game where climbing the corporate ladder and literally be the best and worst thing at the same time, as you will battle your way through hundreds of employees in various ways. You'll earn tricks, skills, weapons, and other means of dispatching "Jan from Sales" and other employees as you make your way up, as well as experience this combat in different modes as all of the drones above try to keep you down. As we speak, there is a demo of the game down on the PAX West floow that you can play if you happen to be at the event. As for the rest of us, we have the trailer below as we'll have to wait until 2023.
Stick It To The Stickman is a groin-kicking, staple-gunning, chainsaw-wielding roguelike brawler loaded with high-impact, physics-based combat, copious amounts of coffee and weaponised farts! Batter your way through compliant coworkers, menial middle-management and brutal bosses, learning more powerful "business techniques" on your way to becoming CEO of the worst company in America.
- Fight Hired With Fired: Attack is the best form of defence in business, and it's kill or be killed. Pick up powerful upgrades and HR-approved weaponry to ensure your Stickman is more than just a yes-man.
Go The Extra Mile: Your career trajectory isn't just vertical! Incorporate new subsidiary companies to squeeze out the competition, with each acquisition offering new gameplay, new enemies, new bosses, new weapons and more! Build a conglomerate that rules the marketplace and dominates our hearts!
Grab The Low-Hanging Fruit: Stick it to the Stickman's corporate dystopian setting, with clever yet harrowing gags about the future under capitalism, is sure to raise a smile at next year's company retreat!