Posted in: Games, Tabletop | Tagged: Schwalb Entertainment, TTRPG, When The Wolf Comes
When The Wolf Comes Released After Quick Crowdfunding Campaign
Outland Entertainment and Schwalb Entertainment have officially released When The Wolf Comes, a new TTRPG available right now digitally.
Outland Entertainment and Schwalb Entertainment have officially released their new TTRPG, When The Wolf Comes, after having a quick crowdfunding campaign. The team behind the game had launched a Kickstarter just a few weeks ago, but after a change in publisher, the game immediately saw publication on Drive Thru RPG. Now you have a chance to check the game out set during the Norse End of Days. We have more info and a few quotes about the game below.
"When The Wolf Comes is a game of storytelling, heroism, and epic struggle set during a reimagined Norse End of Days – and powered by Robert J. Schwalb's Shadow of the Demon Lord system. A complete tabletop role-playing game in one, When The Wolf Comes provides everything you need to create and play characters, form warbands in pursuit of fame and plunder, and tell sci-fi sagas with your friends. The book also gives Game Masters all the tools they need to create adventures, a bestiary full of deadly creatures, a detailed history of the Níu Heimar, and extensive advice to help run the game."
"I couldn't be more excited to work with Rob's rules to help people battle against my reimagined Ragnarök. He is the perfect partner with whom to face the end of all things," said Ian Stuart Sharpe.
"The Norse setting is so timeless; it really is the wellspring of all modern fantasy. I love the way the Vikingverse setting takes archetypes we know and love and holds up a dark mirror to the genre," said Robert J. Schwalb.
"We are delighted to continue to build out the Vikingverse Worlds project with the support of such a respected name as the legendary Rob Schwalb. I'd say that the future is bright, but apparently, it's all going to be over any day now, what with all the demon lords and ravenous wolves," said Jeremy Mohler, Publisher at Outland Entertainment.