Posted in: Movies | Tagged: Corey Feldman, harvey weinstein
Corey Feldman Is Crowdfunding A Movie To Expose Hollywood Pedophiles For $10 Million
For years, former child star Corey Feldman has claimed to be the victim of rape and sexual abuse as a minor in Hollywood, along with fellow Corey, the late Corey Haim. In addition to his own experiences, Feldman has claimed that Haim's stuggles with addiction and ultimately his death can be traced back to a sexual assault that occurred on a movie set when he was a child star, one committed by someone he describes as a Hollywood mogul. In a 2013 appearance on The View to promote his memoirs, in which Feldman makes these claims without naming names, Feldman said "There are people that were the people that did this to both me and Corey that are still working, they're still out there, and they're some of the richest, most powerful people in this business."
"Are you saying that they're pedophiles?" replied host Barbara Walters. "And they're still in this business?" Later, as Feldman continued to describe his experience, Walters cut him off: "You're damaging an entire industry!"
Fast forward just four years, and that industry is in the grips of a massive sexual abuse and harassment scandal prompted by dozens of allegations against powerful producer Harvey Weinstein. Walters' dismissal of Feldman has come under renewed scrutiny in light of these events, while Feldman's claims are suddenly being taken a lot more seriously. Feldman says he's ready to name names, and he plans to do it in the best way he knows how: with a movie.
On a new Indiegogo page seeking to raise $10,000,000, Feldman's wife, Courtney, explains the goal:
We are asking for friends, fans, family, industry peers, and people from all walks of life who may not know who Corey is or what this story is about, to all help pitch in, at fighting back against the Hollywood system, the best way a man created in the system, knows how to defend himself; by telling his truth through his art. This is much bigger than raising finance for a film, this is about the balance of Good and Evil in very real terms.
Ever since Corey announced he was working on a plan to come forward with more information, he has been arrested, had a near death event, and his band quit with no explanation other than saying they were afraid to continue. Corey and I fear for our safety, and we need protection to get this truth out. To do this in the way Corey envisions it will take both time and money. Firstly as a security measure Corey has already written down the names and details of the events and given them to a trusted person of power, in case anything should happen to him or any member of his family before the film is finished. In order to make a true Hollywood Blockbuster these days the studios are spending upwards of $150,000,000 on average. We are asking for less that a tenth of that to make a top level quality film that will be guaranteed as a theatrical release.
Even if every twitter follower pitches in $100 we are there. We can protect ourselves with security and a legal team as we fight to tell this story, and pay for the films production, editing, marketing, and distribution. This 1 time fee covers the whole process start to finish, and will pay for our families protection and security, while we go through this very difficult, painful, and scary process. It will also cover initial legal fees. Additionally, Corey believes this revolutionary approach to self financing and self distribution can revolutionize the film industry and take away the power from those who now hold the keys to the world of Entertainment, which allows the power monsters to continue doing the things they have for so long.
This can truly be a way to regain control over who has access to children in the industry, while weeding out the criminals who have already caused the damage. This is a call for the world to unite for a most important cause, to preserve the innocence of children. Please do your part TODAY.
Additionally, Feldman himself explains the project in a video:
In the video, Feldman says that he can name six names, one of which is a powerful producer which "leads all the way up to a studio."
"I'm very afraid to do this," Feldman says in the video." It's not easy. I've been living in fear and been living with this my entire life, as most victims have. I've been made to feel awkward, misunderstood, and I've been degraded at great levels. Rumors have been told. Stories have been made up about me. I've been insulted and degraded in ways that were unimaginable to me, all because they fear what I know as the truth."
"I'm not alone," Feldman continues. "I know that there's thousands of others who have experienced what I have in the entertainment industry. I also know that there's peers of mine who know exactly what I'm talking about and know all the details but have been afraid to come forward with their own truths."
"I know that we can stand together as one. We can be united," Feldman says. "Those good people out there, there's plenty of them, that I've become friends with over the years. You guys can take my side and we can stand together. Not just the entertainment industry. The entire planet, the entire world can come together over this issue. Because our children are the most sacred things we have. Who can even dream of robbing an innocent child of their life experience? It's not fair, and it must end. So I'm begging you to join me and let our voices be heard. I've lived in shame and fear my entire life, and so have millions of others, and now we have the ability to let our voices be heard and break the dam of silence."
"I propose to make a film that will be the most honest and true depiction of child abuse ever portrayed by telling my own story in a very real way, in a very honest way, with no editing, no censorship, no studio behind it," he says, concluding. "Justice will be served, under God's name."
Though Feldman is hoping to tell his story with a film, as noted on the Indiegogo page, Feldman has written down the names of the people against whom he is making allegations, to be released in the event he or his family are harmed or killed, something Feldman and his wife seem to believe is a very real possibility. Just days before the launch of the campaign, Feldman tweeted:
So far, the project has earned almost $100,000, just 1% of its goal, with two months remaining. The project is labeled as "flexible funding," which means that even if it does not reach its $10,000,000 goal, Feldman will still get whatever money was raised. To contribute, visit the Indiegogo page here.