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Reaction To Those Doctor Who Lost Episode Rumours
So Bleeding Cool ran a story the other day about what we regard as well sourced rumours that the BBC have been stockpiling a number of presumed-wiped episodes of Doctor Who, in readiness for a fiftieth anniversary release.
There were some entertaining responses. Doctor Who blog Kasterborous said;
Last November we became aware of the possibility that lost episodes of Doctor Who had been uncovered. Today the first website to publicly break the news was Bleeding Cool… We're not yet certain which episodes have been uncovered or where, but Bleeding Cool mentions both The Tenth Planet and Evil of the Daleks – which isn't quite what we've heard but is welcome nevertheless.
Ain't It Cool chimed in to confirm the story;
Sounds like a number of vintage, long presumed missing DOCTOR WHO episodes have been recovered and may be lying in wait for surprise issuance later this year (one article on this new development can be found HERE). These are episodes originally believed to have been lost forever when BBC deleted and purged the masters of these stories as part of regular housecleaning practice back in the day. Over the years, a very wide net has been cast in the hopes of recovering some of the lost installments (in some cases, only PARTS of stories were missing, in other cases, entire tales were trashed). This effort has met with varying and irregular degrees of success. But, as I've mentioned a number of occasions here on the Docback (ahem), it seemed a certainty that somewhere out there…perhaps unbeknownst or unrecognized even to the people possessing them…lost DOCTOR WHO was waiting to be re-discovered.
I can confirm that the recovery of missing episodes does appear to be the case.
Be warned of course, that these are still just rumours, and there is always the danger of creating an echo chamber. But it seems that something seems to be up, doesn't it?
Maybe not. Doctor Who writer for Big Finish audios, novels and more, Jonathan Morris tweeted.
Which was retweeted by Ian Levine, one of the Doctor Who fans principally responsible for rescuing what early Doctor Who episodes survive. Jonathan also followed up with;
Tick tock, tick tock until November, eh chaps?