Posted in: Movies, TV | Tagged: Albert Manero, Alex Pring, entertainment, film, iron man, robert downey jr, University of Central Florida
Robert Downey, Jr. Delivers Bionic Arm To 7-Year Old Boy
If you haven't seen this video, its pretty damn cool. Robert Downey, Jr. delivered a bionic arm to a young boy who was born without one. The boy, 7-year old Alex Pring, was born missing part of his right arm. The arm was designed by Albert Manero, a PHD in engineering, and a team of students at the University of Central Florida. A prostetic like this costs tens of thousands normally, but by using a 3D printer Manero and his group can make them for hundreds and gives them away to children who need them.
Honored to present a bionic #IronMan arm to Alex through @MSOneNote's #CollectiveProject. Check the bowtie. #dapper
— Robert Downey Jr (@RobertDowneyJr) March 12, 2015