Posted in: Movies | Tagged: entertainment, film, guardians of the galaxy, Starhawk, sylvester stallone, Yondu
Has Sylvester Stallone's Guardians Of The Galaxy Role Been Revealed?
A rumor going around right now involves actor Sylvester Stallone and his mysterious role in the upcoming Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2. His casting was kept quiet, but a glimpse of him was scene in the footage shown at San Diego Comic Con last summer. Folks who saw it though he was dressed as a member of the Nova Corps. Some folks suggested he could be playing the character of Nova himself. Then yesterday that all changed with two things.
First was reports of a junior novel of the film that included a scene of Yondu going to a Ravager bar and getting into an argument with a woman named Aleta who tells him that he, "won't hear no Horns of Freedom when you die, and the colors of Ogord will not flash over your grave.
And then there was the reports from an Italian film site that claimed Stallone is playing someone named Stakar.
Stakar Ogord, the adopted brother of Aleta, is an original member of the Guardians of the Galaxy named Starhawk. He is also the son of Ayesha and Wendell Vaughn / Quasar. Ayesha is appearing in the movie as well.
It is possible that James Gunn is using the original Guardians of the Galaxy as the leaders of different factions of the Ravagers. A way to honor the history of the comic. If this is true, than it is also possible that the character that Michael Rosenbaum (Smallville) is playing will also be one of the original Guardians as it has been reported that his character works in conjunction with Stallone's. Of the remaining Guardians, Rosenbaum doesn't have the bulk to be Charlie-27… which would leave either Martinex or Vance Astro.
Now, a lot of that is speculation, but bringing Starhawk into the story will be a positive thing to the fans of the original crew of Guardians.