Posted in: Movies, TV | Tagged: a new hope, attack of the clones, empire strikes back, film scores, john williams, may the forth be with you, return of the jedi, Revenge of the Sith, soundtracks, star wars, Star Wars Day, the phantom menace
The Ten Best John Williams Songs To Listen To On Star Wars Day
John Williams is the best film composer of all-time. His greatest achievement would be the soundtracks to the 7 films that makes up the Star Wars Saga (Rogue One is not a Saga film). Since today is Star Wars Day (May the Forth be With You!) and if you are like me and have to work today, I figured I would put some of my favorites in one place so you can listen wherever you may be and however you may be spending your Star Wars Day. Now, these are my favorites, maybe not yours, but it is John Williams…none of the answers can be wrong.
Anakin Vs Obi-Wan/Battle of the Heroes. Master Vs Apprentice. This one is a prequels favorite of mine.
Rey's Theme from The Force Awakens is quickly becoming a go-to play for me. The opening chords alone make this one instantly memorable.
Yoda and The Force. The Dagobah scenes are my favorite from then entire saga, and this take on the Force Theme has stuck with me since I was a kid. I can close my eyes and go right back to sitting on the floor in my living room watching in awe at Yoda and what it meant to me learning along with Luke in that swamp.
Princess Leia's Theme.Wherever you are, and wherever you are reading this, I want you to take a moment and remember Carrie. And try not to cry.
Jango's Escape. Jango gets a kind of bad rap. I love the use of drums in this song, this one always gets me fired up.
Duel of the Fates. Arguably the best part of the prequels is this piece of music from The Phantom Menace. Epic.
The Asteroid Field. When I was at Disney last month for the first time ever, I made a point to ride Star Tours twice, would have been more but the line was long. Both times we had to fly through the asteroid field away from Slave 1 and hearing this pump through the stereo while getting bucked around is a memory I will cherish forever.
The Emperor Arrives/The Death of Yoda/Obi-Wan's Revelation. Basically a horror theme in Star Wars that scared the crap out of me when I was a kid, followed by tears to this day when our Master Yoda becomes one with The Force.
The Hologram/Binary Sunset. The one that send chills up your spine. And I am getting misty again.
Throne Room/End Title. The greatest piece of music ever recorded. Fight me.
These are some of my favorites. I am not a music expert of any sort, and these aren't even your favorites I am sure, but they are some of mine. I will be cranking these all day today. Thank you John Williams; we don't deserve you.
May The Force Be With You. Always.