Posted in: Movies | Tagged: film, Razor
The Gifted Star Emma Dumont Talks Taking On a Very Different Superhero in Razor
Back in June, it was announced that The Gifted star Emma Dumont would be taking on another superhero identity; Razor. The character was originally created in 1992 and film rights have been floating around since as early as 2009. The project is finally getting off of the ground after hanging out in development hell for a couple of years and Dumont told that she is very excited to take on this role.
Razor is something I am so excited about; this character is like someone I have never played before. She is a superhero but she's not super. She has no gifts or abilities, so for me it's really cool to play that.
What some people don't know about Dumont is that she's a trained ballerina and there are few women more badass in the world than ballerinas. Dumont explained that she is doing her own stunts in Razor and explained what she finds some compelling about Razor aka Nicole Mitchell.
I'm going to be doing all my own stunts. The director, Rob Cohen, said he basically wants me to be able to fight for my own life for real. So I'm learning Krav Maga and I'm in the gym three-four hours per day. It's very physically demanding and I'm going to learn a lot of great new skills.
As far as the character goes, I think this character is so important right now because she has a very human view of things. She escapes from a mental institution when she is 18 or 19. She doesn't have the influences of the judiciary system, or law enforcement, or rules, or even societal pressures or expectations.
So when she sees someone doing something wrong, she doesn't see it as a felony or misdemeanor, she just sees wrong. If you're a bad guy she'll just kill you so you don't hurt any more people. She doesn't know checks or balances. She's an antihero.
Finally, Dumont was asked how a character like Razor could be a role model for young women since that is considered extremely important when it comes to making female leading superhero movies. Dumont likes the fact that Razor is a young woman who gets to be badass when normally women have to be older to be badass.
She's almost childlike, but at the same time she's a strong badass woman and she ends up leading a group of renegade vigilante all women fighters, rough chicks who are fighting for their lives. I think that's what people, and especially young girls, need to see right now.
Another thing I love about the script is that there is a love story, but that's not the predominant arc of this character. So many 18-19 year old women characters are in rom-coms. You never see really badass young women in that age range.
For a female action character, it's great to play someone that has so many conflicting ideas and at the same time such strong beliefs, and she does things that maybe you don't agree with in real life. She does right by doing wrong. She thinks that is what is necessary to preserve society, and I think that's noble.
At the moment there aren't details about when Razor is making its way to the big screen but if Dumont is training then we can likely expect production to start soon. The movie will be directed by Rob Cohen who has worked on the xXx movies as both a director and executive producer.