Posted in: Movies | Tagged: george miller, mad max, mad max: fury road, Three Thousand Years of Longing
'Three Thousand Years of Longing': George Miller's Next Film
Oscar-winning filmmaker George Miller has a new film on the horizon, and it's not going to be like anything the Aussie has made before.
Photo by Denis Makarenko /
Three Thousand Years of Longing will be the title, and other than knowing Miller has written the script and will be directing, that's about all we know at this point.
This is somewhat disappointing, ONLY BECAUSE it means the Warner Bros. vs Mad Max earnings legal difficulties are ongoing, and we therefore won't be getting a Fury Road sequel anytime soon.
With other films like Happy Feet, and Babe under his belt, the Wasteland-saga creator certainly likes to mix up his styles when he creates new films.
Deadline says that production on Three Thousand Years of Longing is expected to get underway sometime next year, but no cast has been revealed yet.
We'll of course let you know when we hear anything about what George Miller is up to next. In the meantime, why not revisit the Mad Max saga on 4K[easyazon_link identifier="B01LTHM35M" locale="US" tag="bleedingcoo07-20"]Mad Max High Octane Collection [Blu-ray][/easyazon_link].