aliens Archives

Discussions With Scott Allie – Dark Horse's Comedic Triumph In Buffy Season 10, Axes Out In The Goon, Facing Time In Captain Midnight, Staying Scary In Aliens, Monster-Heroes In Criminal Macabre And More
Following on from a massive state-of-the-industry interview with Scott Allie, Editor-in-Chief at Dark Horse recently here at Bleeding Cool in which we talked about SDCC strategies, defining creator-owned as a term, and many upcoming books, Allie joins us again to talk about a whole new slate of upcoming titles, from Buffy Season 10 #7 where[...]
The Covers For Aliens, Alien Vs. Predator And Prometheus: Fire And Stone
  From the Diamond Retailer Summit in Las Vegas, our first look at the covers to Dark Horse's Aliens, Alien Vs Predator and Prometheus comic book crossover, Fire And Stone. And while they may be bringing the Star Wars titles to an end, they will be publishing a slate of new BPRD titles…   From the Diamond[...]
License To Kill It: Licensed Games That Do It Right
 For those wanting to experience Knights of The Old Republic for the first time it was recently released on IOS devices and is available on Steam.   The Aliens franchise has been made to suffer through so many bad video games, Colonial Marines was just the icing on a long rotten cake.  However there is one delicious ripe cherry topping that rotten cake in 2011's Aliens Infestation for[...]
Aliens Vs Prometheus Vs Predator
Coming in June from Dark Horse Comics, a new comic book series that combined continuity of the Aliens, Prometheus and Predator films… UPDATE: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Goon, fit Serenity and Star Wars in there as well Pretty please? Coming in June from Dark Horse Comics, a new comic book series that combined continuity of the Aliens, Prometheus[...]
Aliens: The Sitcom – Dorks Of Yore Poke Fun At Small Screen Spin-Offs
An Aliens parody is the latest comedy installment from the YouTube channel Dorks of Yore.  The sketch, entitled "Hosts," depicts the hypothetical train wreck of the Alien franchise being turned into a sitcom.  It features the Dorks of Yore team Pat Kilbane (Mad TV) and Melissa McQueen (The New In Living Color), along with actors[...]
Dark Horse To Add Prometheus Characters To New Aliens Comic
We mentioned it in passing, in last week's San Diego runaround, but I thought this might be deserving of more play. While I have no finalised details in terms of the creative team, but I understand that much in the same way Dark Horse expanded the lore of Aliens with their line of comics from the[...]
Yes, It Looks Like It Is Buffy Vs Aliens, Folks
We suggested last week that we were about to get a Buffy Vs Aliens story from Dark Horse for Free Comic Book Day 2012 An in continuity encounter between Buffy The Vampire Slayer and the xenomorphs. Here's one panel from tomorrow's free Buffy comic… we've been asked not to show any more…   We suggested last week[...]
Buffy Vs Aliens For Free Comic Book Day?
Aliens Vs Predator, Robocop Vs Terminator… But it appears that for Free Comic Book Day a week from tomorrow, there are doing something very special. The cover is a clue. I thought it was just a play on words, an intriguing title, Buffy vs Vampires in Space or something Could it actually be something  a lot more literal? Buffy Vs Aliens[...]
Thursday Trending Topics: Avengers Aliens, The Final Answer
One of the biggest Marvel (movie) Mysteries of the last few months stands revealed — we know who the aliens are Now… I'm a sucker for spoilers If I'm curious, I just can't help but look I had a bunch of theories about this one, and so as not to spoil, I will just say[...]
Jim Lawson Draws Alien Turtles
Jim Lawson, one of the original Ninja Turtle artists and who has probably drawn more official pages of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles comics than anyone,
Sunday Trending Topics: Teenage Alien Ninja Turtles
 There's Avengers aliens, Prometheus aliens, and now, seemingly… Teenage Alien Ninja Turtles  Or so Michael Bay seems to imply when talking Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles in today's top story Like the other alien controversies, time will tell how this one plays out. Most-Read Comic Stories Today: Power Girl Gets A More Rounded P  Little Bleeders have been telling me for[...]
Saturday Trending Topics: The Avengers And The Little Pink Aliens
Ah, these Toy Fair reveals… it's tough to say what's a spoiler and what's not, when it comes to merch, and it's on display in a venue such as this. These Avengers aliens (or whatever they are) have become quite a puzzle On the one hand, there's this On the other hand, there's that[...]
Jon Landau Talks Titanic 3D, And After A Preview Of The Footage, So Do I
That could mean Terminator and Aliens action, in 3D, on the big screen' just'… six, seven years from now? Among the first people to see the whole finished film was Leonardo DiCaprio, after Landau and co sent a copy of the film over to the set of The Great Gatsby for a private screening[...]
How A Soft Cowboys & Aliens Opening May Affect Platinum Studios
Dylan Dog is coming to DVD and Blu Ray, there is some legacy impact from Men In Black III and there are options on a number of projects, as well as a number of Cowboys & Aliens games But the Cowboys & Aliens movie was Platinum Studio's big assault on to Hollywood For a company that[...]
The Secret Story Behind Cowboys And Aliens
Cowboys And Aliens And was asked to work it up. With Paul Benjamin, the pair created five drawings and a bunch of character designs and details With William Morris representing them, they got a cover image in Variety, the image of a cowboy on his horse with a large space ship overhead The story in the[...]
Aliens Fast Track Delayed Until December
I finished it in Feb…" Well, the graphic novella by Sharp, Aliens: Fast Track To Heaven, is scheduled again for December 2011. Here's the latest solicitation text… Beneath the ice of Jupiter's moon, life teems in lightless oceans But more spectacular discoveries elsewhere in the cosmos have left Europa's research facilities underfunded and ignored, a lonely[...]