archie Archives

Interior preview page from Archie Showcase #18: Halfway to Halloween
Oh look, folks, it's never too early to start milking a holiday for all it's worth, is it? Archie Comics is loading up on the ectoplasmic hype with Archie Showcase #18: Halfway to Halloween Because, you know, we absolutely needed a reminder that Halloween is merely six months away—calendar management is essential in the comic[...]
Interior preview page from Archie and Friends: Hod Rod Racing #1
Listen up, gearheads and nostalgia junkies! If you've been desperately waiting for Archie to ditch the malt shop melodrama and hit the nitrous, this Wednesday, April 3rd, your dreams are getting a green light Archie and Friends: Hod Rod Racing #1 is set to peel out from your local comic shop full throttle I've grabbed[...]
Pop's Chocklit Shoppe Of Horrors Fresh Meat #1 Preview: Dine in
Well, well, well, looks like Archie Comics is doubling down on the horrors of running a small business in the latest milkshake-mixing, spine-tingling issue, Pop's Chocklit Shoppe Of Horrors Fresh Meat #1 Set to hit the shelves faster than you can say "extra whipped cream," this chilling anthology arrives on Wednesday, March 20th. Pop's Chock'lit Shoppe[...]
Archie Milestones #23: Jughead Springtime Bash Preview: Munch Madness
We've got the ever-hungry Jughead chasing the fresh scent of beef patties in Archie Milestones #23: Jughead Springtime Bash, which is set to hit stands this Wednesday, March 20th Wonder if they'll have a scratch-and-sniff variant for this one—could be a new aromatic experience for comic fans everywhere. Spring is in the air, so smell the[...]
Archie Comics May 2024 Solicits
Diamond Comic Distributors has announced an expanded partnership with Archie Comics as Archie moves into the Deluxe Tier of publishers This means Archie will be exclusive with Diamond but also gain greater prominence within Previews But is it a poison chalice? Archie Comics will be joining AfterShock Comics, Ablaze Publishing, Frank Miller Presents, Opus Comics,[...]
Interior preview page from Archie Jumbo Comics Digest #348
Well, well, well, look what we have here – another round of Riverdale's never-ending saga in Archie Jumbo Comics Digest #348 This gem hits the comic book store shelves on Wednesday, February 28th, so brace yourself for an adventure that's less "epic journey" and more "mild inconvenience on the way to Pop's." TWO BRAND NEW STORIES![...]
Interior preview page from Archie 1000 Page Comics Triumph
That's right, I'm talking about the release of Archie 1000 Page Comics Triumph, which is set to drop today It's part of Archie's apparent quest to deforest the planet one ridiculously long comic compilation at a time You know, because quantity totally equals quality. Archie and his friends make their TRIUMPHANT return with 1,000 more pages[...]
Archie's Valentine's Day Spectacular #1 Preview: Ghosts of Exes Past?
Because what's better than celebrating love and capitalism simultaneously? This week Archie Comics is dropping a love bomb on all of us with Archie's Valentine's Day Spectacular #1, hitting shelves Wednesday, February 7th Get ready to see if Cupid's arrow makes a match or if it's more like a game of Russian roulette for our[...]
World of Archie Jumbo Comics Digest #137 Preview: Love Bites Jug
On February 7th, get ready for a lovey-dovey, star-crossed edition of World of Archie Jumbo Comics Digest #137. TWO BRAND NEW STORIES! First, on the most horrible holiday of all—Valentine's Day—Jughead teeters on the edge of starvation at a Pop's overrun with monsters! Then, Dr Masters is in town, and word in the tabloids is that[...]
Interior preview page from Archie Jumbo Comics Digest #347
That's right, in this week's Archie Jumbo Comics Digest #347, hitting stores on Wednesday, you shouldn't expect the after-effects of a good Valentine's Day debacle to last longer than your average box of chocolates. TWO BRAND NEW STORIES! First, meet: HEARTBREAKER in his first appearance! Sabrina has accidentally released Heartbreaker, the Anti-Cupid, upon Riverdale! Will Sabrina[...]
Interior preview page from World Of Archie Jumbo Comics Digest #135
This Wednesday, November 22nd, Archie Comics is delivering the gift of good ol' crime-fighting cliches with World Of Archie Jumbo Comics Digest #135. TWO BRAND NEW STORIES! First, a week before Christmas, Pow-Girl and Pureheart the powerful discover a band of super-villains are gathering supplies for a major caper and race to uncover the sinister scheme[...]
Archie Comics December 2023 Solicits
Sabrina The Teenage Witch gets a Holiday Special in time for Christmas, courtesy of Archie Comics' December 2023 solicits and solicitations from Kelly Thompson, Danielle Paige, Veronica Fish, Andy Fish, Veronica Johnson, Matt Herms and Jack Morelli And nice that we have two Veronicas working for Archie. #gallery-1 { margin: auto; } #gallery-1 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 50%; } #gallery-1[...]
Interior preview page from Archie's Christmas Wonderland
It seems Archie just couldn't wait for us to finish gulping down our leftover barbecue before shoving chestnuts and tinsel down our throats That's right, ye holiday-starved populace, Archie's Christmas Wonderland is bizarrely slated for release this coming Wednesday, September 20th. The synopsis reads like a child's letter to Santa stuffed with all their wildest Christmas[...]
Interior preview page from Chilling Adventures Presents: Madam Satan - Hell on Earth #1
God forbid – I mean, out of respect for our fiery Madam Satan – you miss out on the genuine excitement Archie Comics promises with this recent release So strap in, grab your fire extinguishers, and remember: Hell hath no fury like a chatbot scorned And keep your eyes peeled, guys If the bot's aptitude[...]
Interior preview page from Archie Showcase Jumbo Digest #15: Freshman Year
This time we're journeying back to the innocent days of Archie Andrew's Freshman Year in high school Relive the moment the love triangle was etched in stone and Mr Weatherbee first assumed his regal reign as principal of Riverdale High Archie Showcase Jumbo Digest #15: Freshman Year hits the shelves this coming Wednesday, September 20th[...]
Interior preview page from Best of Archie: Musical Madness
Hold on to your beehives and pull up your platform boots as we're about to dive into the psychedelic era of music with the upcoming comic book Best of Archie: Musical Madness Slated to hit the stores this Wednesday, August 30th, the comic will transport you back to simpler times, when men were men and[...]
Interior preview page from Archie Jumbo Comics Digest #343
When they're not busy stirring up an extra-hot pot of teenage angst, the folks over at Archie have finally decided to elevate our favorite freckled gingerheaded boy to farmhand Archie Jumbo Comics Digest #343, out this Wednesday, is all geared up to give us a valuable lesson on self-reliance by teaching Archie and the gang[...]
Darkling #1 relaunches in Archie Comics' November 2023 solicits and solicitations by Sarah Kuhn and Carola Borelli Here's everything coming down the pipe between Thanksgiving and Christmas… #gallery-1 { margin: auto; } #gallery-1 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 50%; } #gallery-1 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-1 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */ DARKLING ONESHOT CVR A MARIA SANAPO ARCHIE COMIC PUBLICATIONS SEP231436 (W)[...]
Interior preview page from Archie Horror Presents: Chilling Adventures
Well, well, well, if it isn't another foray into the macabre side of Archie and company What's on the menu this time? It looks like Archie Horror Presents: Chilling Adventures, serving up Riverdale's finest fanged villains and cosmic beasts, will hit shelves on Wednesday, August 23rd Apparently, Riverdale's become some sort of interdimensional monster magnet,[...]
Interior preview page from World Of Betty And Veronica Jumbo Comics Digest #28
Lord help us. WORLD OF BETTY AND VERONICA JUMBO COMICS DIGEST #28 ARCHIE COMIC PUBLICATIONS JUN231600 (W) Various, Tom DeFalco, Bill Golliher (A) Various, Bill Golliher, Bill & Ben Galvan (CA) Dan Parent TWO BRAND NEW STORIES! Captain Valor, along with Little Betty and Little Veronica, are entrusted with a task of utmost importance: keep Hiram Lodge's rare Egyptian vase[...]
Archie 1000 Page Comics Prestige Preview: Tree-Killing Extravaganza
Coming out this Wednesday, August 9th, the Archie 1000 Page Comics Prestige threatens to provide "laughter-filled entertainment," or, to be honest, a great doorstop So, sharpen your reading glasses, carry your strongest tote bag—or maybe even a handcart—and brace yourself for the marathon of "hilarity" that awaits. Now, as always, I am joined by the bane[...]
Interior preview page from World Of Archie Jumbo Comics Digest #132
Coming out this Wednesday, August 9th (*hold for applause*), we've got World Of Archie Jumbo Comics Digest #132, wherein we'll find our freckle-faced friend Little Archie getting lessons in, of all things, self-defense That's right, folks, apparently comic book Riverdale has a bigger bullying problem than we realized. As if that wasn't enough doom and gloom[...]
Interior preview page from Archie Jumbo Comics Digest #342
Gotta love how our comic book writers are really "keeping up with the times." Nailed it, guys. In a typical Archie plot twist, the gang might end up distracted not by their shattered screens but by Little Archie and his gang Because, of course, nothing says 'high stakes thriller' quite like a group of kids[...]
Jungle Drama by Troy Dongarra, Danny Harrell and Erick Marshall is an Archie/Betty/Veronica storyline set in the Tarzan jungle, part of Keenspot's October 2023 solicits. #gallery-1 { margin: auto; } #gallery-1 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-1 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-1 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */ JUNGLE DRAMA #1 CVR A ERICK MARSHALL KEENSPOT ENTERTAINMENT AUG232026 AUG232027 – JUNGLE[...]
Interior preview page from World of Archie Jumbo Comics Digest #131
Coming this Wednesday, July 5th, we have your favorite, or maybe least favorite, slice of small-town life served up in the World of Archie Jumbo Comics Digest #131 And what a doozy it is. According to the synopsis, a "simple" Fourth of July fireworks show opens up a portal to…get this…a demon world[...]
Archie Comics
Archie Comics has Madam Satan from their Chilling Adventures Presents line celebrating her 83rd birthday this year, and not looking a day over 76 Here is their September 2023 solicits and solicitations. #gallery-1 { margin: auto; } #gallery-1 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 50%; } #gallery-1 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-1 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */ CHILLING ADVENTURES PRESENTS…[...]
Interior preview page from Chilling Adventures Presents: Camp Pickens #1
In this terror-stricken one-shot anthology, Archie Comics has managed to combine the warm, fuzzy feelings of summer camp with the eternally cursed and haunted Camp Pickens I mean, who doesn't love a good summer-massacre-themed comic to kick off their beach plans, right? Now, let's get the blood-curdling introductions out of the way Of course, I'm still[...]
Interior preview page from Archie Jumbo Comics Digest #341
If you thought a dance craze could never turn into romantic turmoil, you're in for a big surprise with Archie Jumbo Comics Digest #341, hitting stores on June 21st That's right, folks The latest viral FlipFlop dance craze has turned Veronica's pool party into a "dance pair despair" for poor Ethel, as she's forced to[...]
Interior preview page from Archie and Friends Endless Escapades
Ah, another week, and another chance for Archie Andrews to stumble through love and life in Archie and Friends Endless Escapades, hitting comic book stores on June 21st In this latest collection, Archie becomes the master of disaster in the dating field, providing wannabe Romeos the blueprint on how not to approach romance as he[...]
Madam Satan
Archie comics  and teenage satan worship." I replied "As opposed to old-school Archie Comics from 1941?" Because Madam Satan was old-school Archie Comics and they got away with things in the forties that would make Riverdale blush And in September, Madam Satan gets a one-shot, Hell On Earth,that will crossover between the various Archie Horror[...]