black mask Archives

Could Occupy Comics Face The Wrath Of Warner Bros Lawyers?
But if a company doesn't defend its trademarks, it is in danger of losing them… Here's the solicitation from Black Mask for November, for Occupy Comics TPB and The Liberator TPB. OCCUPY COMICS TP (W) Alan Moore & Various (A) Ronald Wimberly & Various (CA) David Mack This once-in-a-lifetime collaboration of more than 50 comics pros is a celebration[...]
Five Things About Liberator Issue One
Alasdair Stuart writes; Black Mask made quite a splash with the first issue of Occupy Comics Louis reviewed it over here (Morning, Louis!) and I had stuff to say about it over here (Morning, Nabil!) The gist of it is the book is really good and good in a way which nothing has quite been before[...]