buffy the vampire slayer Archives

Fox's Sleepy Hollow Is Wildly Entertaining But Is It Wildly Inaccurate?
I'm a fan of occult horror, and even criminal investigation shows, as well as more humorous takes on the horror like Buffy the Vampire Slayer, so I wasn't entirely out of place in the totally packed screening hall Looking around, I saw that viewers were absolutely rapt and enthusiastic, a fan base waiting to happen[...]
Buffy Season Ten, And A Relaunched Angel & Faith, Together (UPDATE)
This is the joint cover for Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 10 and the new relaunched Angel & Faith series, coming from Dark Horse, in a rather sweet way to boost Angel & Faith sales so they are closer to those of Buffy. Shown this morning at the retailer's breakfast at NYCC, along with the creative[...]
Last Week's Comics In Thirty Four Panels
After the horrible emotional beating that was #100 (keep it in mind as we edge closer towards the inevitable AVENGERS ARENA bashing), Kirkman here shows us a different side to Negan, through the surprising way he choose to "spare" young Carl's life, yet still put him through an unbelievably intense volley of psychological torture, at[...]
Cammy's Covers – From Fairest to Willow
So much blood! So many eyes! Very well executed cover.     Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Willow – Wonderland #2 by David Mack This is my favorite cover of the week, hands down! Now were I Alyson Hannigan, I'd be honored to be a part of a series like Buffy, because if it continues on in the comics medium,[...]