Cassady McClincy (Castle Rock, Ozark) is set as Lydia, daughter of Whisperers’ Alpha (Samantha Morton) and member of her roaming, disguised survivors.
Charles Adlard Archives
By Jared Cornelius
Welcome back to Typing on The Dead, Bleeding Cool's recap and review of The Walking Dead. After a few months of up and down content, this issue provided a return to form for Robert Kirkman and the gang. With the narrative all over the place thanks to the ever growing cast, the story[...]
By Jared Cornelius
Welcome back to Typing on The Dead, Bleeding Cool's dissection and recap of the latest issue of The Walking Dead. After last month's issue I know I was left wanting in both the action and answers department. This time around we do a little better with a healthier mix of both high stakes[...]
So as always *SPOILER WARNING* for the remainder of the article. The Walking Dead #142 by Robert Kirkman and Charles Adlard
Picking up directly from last issue, Gregory's lifeless body is lowered from a tree The crowd looks on in silence until Maggie decides that something needs to be said about the punishment. Maggie tells the crowd that most of them stood with her on[...]
Just in case you glossed over it the first time, *SPOILER WARNING* for the remainder of the article.
The Walking Dead #141 by Robert Kirkman and Charles Adlard
Rick and company are on the road home from the ocean, with Rick telling Heath to go open a gate for the caravan. Rick gets an unusual greeting however[...]
By Jared Cornelius
Welcome back to Typing on The Dead, Bleeding Cool's recap and dissection of the latest issue of The Walking Dead. Last issue was a breath of fresh air for me. After a long stretch at the Hilltop, Rick and company finally showed us that there was more to their brave new world than the Hilltop and[...]
By Jared Cornelius
Welcome back to Typing on The Dead, Bleeding Cool's recap of the latest issue of The Walking Dead. Things are really starting to go sideways at the Hilltop but last month's issue felt more akin to a primetime drama series than an issue of The Walking Dead. This month we see things are finally moving forward with more machinations from[...]
By Jared Cornelius
Welcome back to Typing on The Dead, Bleeding Cool's Walking Dead recap column. After last month's issue was heavily geared toward being a total brawl-fest, this month takes a step back into heavy drama and character interaction. This month The Walking Dead felt a little bit like a basic cable primetime drama series, with everything from light swearing to hospital scream offs. So as[...]
By Jared Cornelius
Welcome back to Typing on The Dead, Bleeding Cool's monthly breakdown and dissection of the latest issue of The Walking Dead. After last month's pacing issues, I was worried we'd be bounced around from story beat to story beat again without much being resolved. Luckily that's not the case as we're back to having some amazing action and brawls around the Hilltop. [...]
By Jared Cornelius
Welcome back to Typing on The Dead, Bleeding Cool's Walking Dead recap column. So after last month's action packed slugfest we're back to a bit of a slower pace with Kirkman setting up the board for things to come. While not as kinetic as previous months, we're brought up to speed on some of the other group' statuses and learn a[...]
By Jared Cornelius
Welcome Back to Typing on The Dead, Bleeding Cool's Walking Dead recap column. In an almost complete tonal shift from last issue, this month is nothing less than an action packed spectacular. For the last few months Kirkman's been giving us a lot more slices of life in his rebuilt society at the cost of some of[...]
By Jared Cornelius
Welcome Back to Typing on The Dead, Bleeding Cool's Walking Dead recap column. Last month lots of pieces started falling into place as to where the story's going, and one revelation in particular threatened to change the game completely for Rick and our favorite survivors. This month two characters mention playing a game of chess and it[...]
By Jared Cornelius
Welcome back to Typing on The Dead: Bleeding Cool's Walking Dead recap column. It's been a strange few months for the cast of the Walking Dead. After years of perpetual horror and terror things finally seem kind of normal for Rick and the gang, and we almost had some touching sitcom moments last[...]
By Jared Cornelius
Welcome back to Typing on The Dead: Bleeding Cool's Walking Dead recap column. In the aftermath of All Out War, we seem to have an All New The Walking Dead on our hands as things have changed quite a bit for Rick and the gang. So as always *SPOILER WARNING* for the rest[...]
By Jared Cornelius
Welcome back to Typing on The Dead, Bleeding Cool's Walking Dead recap column. In this week's installment the war between the Hilltop and the Saviors if finally over for better or worse. Get ready for a fight worthy of They Live, and as always *SPOILER WARNING* for the remainder of the article.
The Walking[...]
By Jared Cornelius
Welcome to another week of Typing on The Dead, Bleeding Cool's Walking Dead recap column. This week is a no nonsense knockout brawl between the Saviors and Rick's alliance. We also get to see Eugene shine in what could be his coming out as a major player as the series moves forward. Be warned, *SPOILER ALERT*[...]