That looks a lot like a portal that Cisco Ramon creates… just saying.
Supergirl airs Mondays at 8 PM on the CW. can't be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: Supergirl 2×08 Sneak Peek "Medusa" (HD) Season 2 Episode 8 Sneak Peek – Crossover Event (
On Monday, the 4-series Invasion crossover event kicks off with Supergirl[...]
Cisco Ramon Archives
No more having to wonder who feeds the prisoners and how do they go to the bathroom.
Folks want to see Cisco Ramon become Vibe and Caitlin Snow to become Killer Frost Flashpoint fixed that as now Cisco can channel his vibrations through his gauntlets and we see Caitlin chilling out at the end And what[...]
The CW has released a new video with Carlos Valdes who plays Cisco Ramon on The Flash As fallout from Barry Allen going back and changing the time line, Cisco has now cashed in on his genius and is worth a fortune Now Barry must go to him for help to set things right… that should[...]
Now with the ability to match and surpass Zoom's speed, he convinces Cisco Ramon to open a portal and let Zoom through What could possibly go wrong?
Everything of course At some point Barry has to realize that he can't fix everything and sometimes trying put more people in danger How many people have died because[...]
But he really needs to focus on getting the speed cannon fixed so Barry and Cisco can come home.
5 – The best kept secret of the episode was the appearance of the Cisco Ramon of Earth-2 who calls himself Reverb That Cisco believes that he and Vibe could take over and beat Zoom Which of course[...]
He acted like this was super important to killing the Flash, but isn't there a Flash Museum in the future or the internet to look up the history? What happens to make the information not available?
2 – In a conversation with Cisco Ramon, Wells comes up with an idea to help him control his Vibe powers[...]
And lets not forget Cisco Ramon trying to convince Thea Queen to change her code name of Speedy.
There was a lot of comic fan service in the episode… Hawkman calling Green Arrow "Robin Hood" and the like… but the story itself was good and didn't feel like we were stepping away from the series to[...]
The latest trailer The Flash season 2 features Cisco Ramon (Carlos Valdes) talking with Professor Stein (Victor Garber) about his powers, Barry Allen (Grant Gustin) and Jay Garrick (Teddy Sears) comparing notes and the first look at the big bad for the season… Zoom.
The Flash returns October 6th to the CW.
Since he made his first appearance on an episode of Arrow, we've been waiting to see just what was going to happen to Cisco Ramon (Carlos Valdes) The nerdy genius that helps the Flash with his tech, suit and naming his villains has been a fan favorite since his first scene helping Caitlin Snow (Danielle[...]
Martin talks about Cisco Ramon (Carlos Valdes) and just why the genius nerd and Detective Joe West get along so well Below the video is the first part of the interview where Martin talks about West's relationship with Barry Allen (Grant Gustin) and why he let him go into the past.
The Flash returns October 6th.
Martin), Barry Allen (Grant Gustin), Iris West (Candice Patton), Caitlin Snow (Danielle Panabaker), Martin Stein (Victor Garber) and Cisco Ramon (Carlos Valdes) We also see the Flash suit in the background and it already has the white symbol on the chest.
So the question becomes, who do we not see? Everyone is obviously looking at someone[...]
We get to see both the new and old versions of the suit, a quick shot of Cisco Ramon, a snippet of Captain Cold and Heatwave and a shot of The Flash, with his shoulder covered in ice, looking up and saying "Right on time." Which is interesting since in the comics, Barry Allen is[...]
In this clip from tonight's The Flash we see that Detective Joe West (Jesse L Martin) has found his way down into the sewers and is confronted by Harrison
So here are the important moments from the episode:
1) We start with Barry Allen, Caitlin Snow and Cisco Ramon inside what they call the Time Vault, the secret little room where Harrison Wells keeps his Reverse-Flash suit and his computer AI Gideon While in this room we learn that Wells came back in time to[...]
At the Flash panel at Wondercon this weekend, one of the big reveals was by actress Danielle Panabaker who not only confirmed that her character of Caitlin Snow will become her comic book alter ego Killer Frost, but that it happen as soon as the end of this season.
It was also revealed that some of[...]
That's why they did the scene on the train with Stein and Barry Allen, so we could see how Stein acted and would believe he was now inside Raymond.
2) Cisco Ramon about what might happen if Barry gets intimate with Linda Park This isn't the first time the subject of the fastest man alive being too[...]
Partly the experiment of Doctor / Professor Stein and partly the particle accelerator accident having blown Ronnie Raymond to bits.
5) More interesting from that scene is how when Piper tries to escape, Cisco Ramon uses vibrations to stop him I think this is more than a nod to Cisco's comic book persona of Vibe, but[...]
Here Tom Cavanagh who plays Harrison Wells and Carlos Valdez who plays Cisco Ramon give us a brief musical interlude showing off their musical talent There is a nice vibe going on here…
The folks at the Flash are getting into the holiday season as this video shows[...]