Clefable Archives

The Cards of Pokémon TCG: Obsidian Flames Part 11: Clefable ex
Credit: Pokémon TCG The Clefairy line begins with the return of Cleffa to the TCG in this vibrant card by kurumitsu. Baby Pokémon have truly emerged back into the hobby with this generation, and it's so great to see. The line continues with iconic clay artist Yuka Morii delivering a cute, cheerful Clefable[...]
Pokémon TCG Japan Reveals ex Starter Deck: Clefable ex
The ex Starter Decks will include Decidueye ex, Clefable ex, Greninja ex, Vicitni ex, Houndoom ex, Melmetal ex, Miraidon ex, and Koraidon ex There will also be two secret decks that have not yet been revealed The Pokémon ex mechanic, the main mechanic of this new era, continues in these decks.  Today, let's take a[...]