Comics Archives

Dragon Con 2013: Cosplay, Duck Tales And Videos
I told him that I was a huge fan of the Duck comics universe so I understood the difference between that and the Duck Talks cartoon series and could picture the frustration as person after person saw his Uncle Scrooge sketches and thought he was some old guy riding a wave of 80's nostalgia We[...]
Swipe File: Darkseid And Goatse
From today's Darkseid #1. And from "goatse"... well, if you don't know, google it with your Google Safe Search off. We did this before. We'll probably do
Talking To Glen Brunswick About Reality Check #1, Out Today
Rich Johnston talked to Glen Brunswick about his new Image Comic book with Victor Bogdanovic, published by Image Comics today. Rich: They say write what you know Reality Check is a comic about a guy trying to create a comic book in the current marketplace, battling with loneliness, rejection, sexual inadequacy… and creating a really bad[...]
Blame It On The Parents – Thirteen Thoughts About Thirteen Villains Month Comics, Darkseid, Desaad, Cyborg Superman, Bizarro, Joker, Creeper, Two-Face, Grodd, Count Vertigo, Deadshot, Poison Ivy, Relic And Ventriloquist
She is Viz Comics' Spoiled Brat, all grown up Why should anything change? Two-Face takes on the new situation in Gotham and makes it about the character's own personal responsibilities No daddy or mommy issues here, it's all about taking charge, even as the Society tries to take charge of him, he relied on the coin[...]
Forever Evil And Age Of Ultron – Keeping The Battle Off The Page (SPOILERS)
But what does it say, when films like The Avengers and Man Of Steel go out of their way to show the big, big battles, while the comic books decide that's better played out in our imaginations than any comic book page? Comics courtesy of Orbital Comics, London This weekend, launching their gallery by photographer Steve[...]
Jack Kirby's First Appearance In The New 52 (Desaad SPOILERS)
And the realisation that now, Jack Kirby is part of the New 52…. Can't wait till he gets turned into a cyborg. Comics courtesy of Orbital Comics, London This weekend, launching their gallery by photographer Steve Cook of Sophie Allred, in the Doctor Who years. In today's Desaad #1, the Villain's Month title by Paul Levitz and[...]
Speculator Corner: Love Stories (To Die For) #1 And Reality Check #1
New Image Comics issue one For some, that means a speculatory opportunity, a chance to buy up a stack and sell them when the moment is ripe And certainly Image Comics launches have been good for that of late But will it work? Love Stories (To Die For) Pros: Shadowline has produced a number of "sleeper" hits over[...]
What Do You Get When You Cross Elephantmen With Judge Dredd?
From the Thought Bubble Anthology 2013, out in November from Image Comics… the Elephantmen/Judge Dredd crossover from Richard Starkings and Boo Cook. And if you need to gen up on your pachyderms first, Elephantmen #51 is a jump on issue out this month from Image…   From the Thought Bubble Anthology 2013, out in November[...]
The DC 3D Covers For Villains Month, In Video, Including 3D Batman Arkham Origins Ad
the DC Covers for the first week of Villains Month [youtube][/youtube] The Forever Evil #1 3D cover, one per store. [youtube][/youtube] The back cover of the Villains Month issues is also 3D, with an ad for Batman Arkham Origins, with the bad guys revealed in the shadows… [youtube][/youtube] Apparently the technology used is focussed on making the lenticular image thin, so[...]
Lobo Gets A Brazilian
When these kind of comments were criticised (and it did happen once on the thread), there was this rather interesting defence…. Those who have read comics with Lobo already know that the stories are funny EXACTLY because he is a stereotypical dumb big, strong , indestructible , violent and fully amoral He is a cartoonish representation[...]
Returning To Sandman. Neil Gaiman, Stripped Multiple Times
Yes, can you believe that it was 25 years ago already? And how appropriate that he was talking about this book at a literary festival where the work he and so many others did all those years ago has now been accepted to be a legitimate equal art form. Gaiman started off with telling the story[...]
Telling The Bigger Story In American Vampire Anthology
But why not both? Both could certainly be true of American Vampire Anthology. The decision to solicit and invite professionals in comics to contribute to an anthology, each writing and drawing a story that they feel fits into the American Vampire universe might seem like an appropriate "hoorah" to a series that had announced its cancellation,[...]
2000AD, Stripped
Some might grumble that Murray hasn't worked for 2000AD for a long time and should he be there, but when Murray tells you that ideally he'd love to be drawing comics all the time you do believe him, and after all who could grudge a man who had flown 7000 km to be there a[...]
Quantum And Woody Go Blackface
So Woody has to impersonate Eric (Quantum) to acquire some superweaponry. He does the voice. The black voice. Eric is notably a little upset by the