Constantine 2 seems to be in a muddled state yet again, which shouldn't be surprising considering the state of this film When it was first released, fans and critics were not into it, but it has gained a cult following over the years, and even diehard fans of the character have come to admit the[...]
constantine 2 Archives
Constantine 2 is one of those movies The ironic thing that fans didn't like the portrayal of one of DC's biggest bisexual human disasters says a lot about the time The cult following the movie gained after the fact means that the film never really left the cultural conversation in comic book movies as the[...]
We got a small update from Keanu Reeves about Constantine 2 pretty recently, but aside from that, we haven't heard that much about the film It was rumored for years and officially announced about two years ago Since then, there have been some sporadic updates, but nothing definitive However, it sounds like everyone involved wants to make[...]
Constantine 2 has been in varying levels of rumors and development for years, but it appears to be what they are pursuing now Lawrence recently got to speak to The Hollywood Reporter about returning to the Hunger Games universe Still, they also asked him about returning to this universe again after yet another leadership shift[...]
However, more films in the works aren't in the Chapter One: Gods and Monsters plan, and one of those films that are hanging out in limbo a lot is Constantine 2 The film has seemed like an obvious sequel, and despite the deviation from the source material and lukewarm reception at the time, the film[...]
We finally got word that Constantine 2 was in the works last month, and director Francis Lawrence recently spoke to, and it sounds like the movie is still happening despite the chaos He even confirmed that Keanu Reeves is in on the project.
"We don't have a script, but Keanu, me, and Akiva [Goldsman], who all worked[...]