Cyber Judge Archives

Pokémon TCG Japan’s Cyber Judge & Wild Force Preview: Ace Specs
Pokémon TCG Japan has begun teasing the next Scarlet & Violet-era sister sets, Wild Force and Cyber Judge These two sets are themed to the new Legendary Paradox Pokémon released in the recent DLC's expanding on the Paldea region. Wild Force features the ancient ancestors of the Beasts of Johto, the Paradox Pokémon Raging Bolt (an ancestor[...]
Pokémon TCG Japan To Release Cyber Judge and Wild Force
The titles are the mysterious Cyber Judge and Wild Force These sets are expected to release in Fall 2023 Other upcoming Japanese sets include Snow Hazard and Clay Burst which feature the Treasures of Ruin and will be released in April; Ragining Surf which will release May 19th; the Kanto-themed Pokémon Card 151 on June 16th; Ruler of the Black Flame featuring a[...]