Maxx's Super Awesome Comic Review Show returns to Bleeding Cool, recorded at the one and only Astro-Zombies Comic Shop in Albuquerque, New Mexico, hosted by Maxx MacLennan.
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This week, Image number 1s really got us excited and special guest Leigh Luna lets us know what book she loves!
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detective comics Archives
I don't suppose this is how he feels about a reader or two, do you think?
In Detective Comics, Batman seems to moonlighting as Squidman judging by the trail of inky stuff he seems to be trailing behind him Either that, or he had a dodgy curry last night and is hoping that no one will[...]
Reprinting work from the original Detective Comics #27 that first features Batman, his name is up there in lights Probably not with a co-creator credit inside, Bob Kane's contract remains watertight after his death, but it's something…
Because right now, all is not good with DC Comics and Finger's family…
It's a tale that most comic[...]
By Mike Federali
You probably know Brian Buccellato from his dynamite work on The Flash, Forever Evil: Rogues Rebellion and now Detective Comics Now Buccellato is stretching his legs with his latest thriller project Sons of the Devil, now on Kickstarter.
Mike Federali: Tell us a little bit about Sons of the Devil.
Brian Buccellato: It's a psychological[...]
For comic coming out in June, here are fifteen of the variant covers, created by Ant Lucia, that accompany a number of DC Comics titles...
Brian Buccellato, writer with Francis Manapul on The Flash and now Detective Comics, has written a creator-owned graphic novel out for July, with art from Noel Tuazon.
Originally having five issues out of six published by small press publisher by Dog Year Entertainment, this will be the first time the story will be completed.
And, of course,[...]
And here is the evidence – according to Bleeding Cool surveyed retailers, not only did Detective Comics beat it, but so did the second issue of Moon Knight So Marvel's disappointment with Inhuman could be tempered with their delight at Moon Knight's performance… if there wasn;t a massive future franchise resting on it
Its also worth[...]
The birth of Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster's Superman in Action Comics #1 laid the foundation for a formula that was emulated often in the Golden Age, and during the many decades that followed.
In 1939, Batman first appeared in Detective Comics for National, Captain Marvel debuted in Whiz Comics for Fawcett Publications and Timely unleashed[...]
Could we have the first privilege check in a Marvel comic? Testicles mistaken for fruit? and did Captain America give away some spoilery scenes ahead of the Winter Soldier movie? Let's have a look…
That's nice, members of The Movement, concerned about the grocery habits of their opponents.
Francis Manapul and Brian Buccellato take on Detective Comics[...]
Don't miss Ultimate Spider-Man number #200 if you are a huge Ultimate Universe Spider-Man fan because this issue promises a shock ending from Brian Michael Bendis! There are also huge changes in store for Superman with this week's issue of Action Comics and the entire creative team from The Flash is moving over to Detective[...]
It's the year of the beginning of Marvel Comics — about which I'm sure we'll hear much more from both inside and outside of the company, this year, 75 years later.
It's the year of the debut of Flash and the Sandman from DC, and of characters ranging from Blue Beetle to Amazing Man from other[...]
Williams original character design sheets for Kate Kane / Batwoman he did prior to beginning work on Detective Comics #854.
Over on his blog, Front Toward Enemy, Greg Rucka posted artist J H Williams original character design sheets for Kate Kane / Batwoman he did prior to beginning work on Detective Comics #854.
It got the job done, I suppose, but I've come to expect better from Detective Comics.
The final page teases a new creative team starting next month; we've known Flash team Francis Manapui and Brian Buccelato will be taking the reigns for a while now from early book solicits I think, overall, Gothtopia was a success[...]
Note, with Batman taking the two tops, Batman #27 gets the most sales, but Detective Comics #27 brought in the most moollah, with its $7.99 price point Walking Dead grabs the eleventh spot – that it isn't higher may be down to the stores that don't order any non-Marvel/DC that Antony Johnston talked about And[...]
Batman #27 beat Detective Comics #27 in January's sales, taking the top two spots as distributed in North America by Diamond Comic Distributors.
Marvel Comics have dropped their dollar share from 35.42% to 34.09% but increased their unit share from 36.56% to 37.39% Basically Marvel selling slightly less but charging slightly more But in both cases,[...]
Joe Benitez, creator of the Lady Mechanica series, was the artist on Detective Comics #823 back in 2006 and posted these images last night on his facebook page. This is Page 13 and as you can see the process from pencils, to inks and finally to colors Inker on the issue was Victor Llamas and colors[...]
This is something I fully intend to someday do.
I agreed to Eternal while I was still on Detective Comics, intending to play off events in Eternal in Detective If there is one downside, it's that I was taken off Detective to make room for the fantastically talented Booch & Manapul, as part of a month[...]
When Francis Manapul and Brian Buccelato moved from Flash to Detective Comics, writer John Layman and artist John Fabok, who had been working on the comic for a year, planned to move onto the new Batman weekly comic, Batman Eternal.
Except it now seems that's no longer the case Not for John Layman anyway.
Layman, in a[...]
Forget Five Years Later, today's Detective Comics #27 takes a trip far into the future, into the 23rd century And shows us a variety of Batmen and Robins along the way.
It's not the only story in the comic to show the future Peter Tomasi gives us a Dark Knight-ish version with an elderly Bruce Wayne,[...]
Courtesy of the CBR forums, someone's got an advance look at all the covers - possibly down to retailers receiving next weeks books this past Friday.
At the beginning of the month, we ran this story about DC Comics subscribers being denied a copy of Detective Comics #27.
Then we ran a Christmas poem about that article being forwarded to Dan DiDio and him telling the internet that he'd fixed the situation.
And now we have the letter confirming it.
Folks, you did it![...]
The much talked about and even parodied cover for Detective Comics #27 may have a longer backstory than we first knew.
According to Brandon Montclare, the former editor of All-Star Batman And Robin, The Boy Wonder… the piece was original drawn for that series but they never had a chance to use it.
Frank Miller's cover to Detective 27! It's cool[...]
This is the cover... This is Richard Pace's version... This is my version... There are probably plenty more to come...
First it was to be a double page spread in Detective Comics #27 by legendary Batman creator Frank Miller.
Then it was a variant cover.
Then that cover was cancelled over what seems to have been negotiation over pay rates for its promotion from internal page artwork to cover artwork.
There were complaints that this severely interfered with[...]
Same with Star Wars #0 and Superior Spider-Man #25 and Cataclysm Ultimate Spider-Man #3.
The top advanced reordered comic for last week… suddenly no longer existed.
Detective Comics #27 Cover B used to be the Frank Miller cover But then DC Comics cancelled the cover So the entire order for that separately-ordered variant has gone… poof! And since FOC was set before the cover was cancelled, retailers may well not[...]
Slipping out ahead of schedule, the DC solicitations for Detective Comics #29 for March With the Bat family looking a little Scarecrowesque…
Slipping out ahead of schedule, the DC solicitations for Detective Comics #29 for March With the Bat family looking a little Scarecrowesque…
Slipping out ahead of schedule, the DC solicitations[...]
It was cancelled after just one issue making it extremely rare and only a few hundred copies are known to exist.
The shops owner, Christopher Rupp, discovered the rare book when he was contacted to appraise a collection for an estate sale earlier this year.
"When I first saw this book, I had to do some research[...]
I thought you'd be interested in a letter I got from DC today together with my copy of Detective Comics #26 I've attached a picture of it Apparently I will not be receiving Detective Comics #27 because it is a "super-sized issue that will retail for $7.99." Meanwhile, Marvel sent me my $7.99 Amazing Spider-Man[...]
Seriously John Constantine, why the reaction, the 'O's are only just bigger than your head.
Frankie, do you remember her, Frankie, do you remember? Fearless Defenders, its last issue, goes out with a blast.
It's like something out of House isn't it? Except that in Detective Comics he'll get it right first time I wonder if you[...]