flashpoint Archives

Abin Sur, The Green Lantern Of Flashpoint
I understand that in the Flashpoint universe being set up in the upcoming crossover, the Green Lantern title will be renamed and renumbered as Abin Sur The Green Lantern. One can presume that the book will star the dying alien character who crashlanded on Earth and chose Hal Jordan as the successor to wield[...]
Flashpoint Friday – Britannia and The Canterbury Cricket?
I understand there are two more Flashpoint comics soon to be announced, and both have rather a British edge to them I can feel my patriotic pride. Namely, Britannia and The Canterbury Cricket Renamed from… I don't know… Squire and Knight? Say, I don't suppose Cricket could be a cross colonial reference to… Batman?[...]
Flashpoint To Retitle And Renumber All Manner Of DC Titles
I understand from one British source that Flashpoint, the Geoff Johns-showrun Flash crossover event is going to be like the X-Men's Age Of Apocalypse, currently being revisited as Age Of X, in more ways than just creating an alternate universe. Just as happened with the Xbooks back then, so a number of DC[...]
John Babos Puts Together Geoff Johns' Flashpoint Event
Flashpoint is the much hyped, much teased, upcoming Flash-related event by Geoff Johns Thanks to John Babos of Comics Nexus for allowing us to reproduce his original piece on Bleeding Cool looking into the latest teases towards this storyline. In Time Masters: Vanishing Point #5 we get a few new clues The most significant of[...]