Harbinger Archives

Valiant Gives Us Their Zero Month In May
MTV announced Shadowman #0. And we already know about Harbinger #0 All coming out in May. Okay, they don't quite have 52 titles yet But isn't that part of the charm? Valiant have to do "zero" issues It's tradition. CBR announced Archer & Armstrong #0 MTV announced Shadowman #0. And we already know about Harbinger #0 All coming out[...]
So Anyway There's This Thing Called Harbinger Wars Coming From Valiant In April
Just like the old days. HARBINGER WARS SOLICITATION APRIL 2013 VALIANT ENTERTAINMENT     HARBINGER WARS #1 (of 4) Written by JOSHUA DYSART & DUANE SWIERCZYNSKI Art by CLAYTON HENRY Cover by LEWIS LAROSA Pullbox Exclusive Variant by CLAYTON HENRY Variant Cover by CLAYTON CRAIN Variant Cover by PATRICK ZIRCHER   "Do you know where the children are?"   HARBINGER WARS, Valiant's first family crossover event, begins here! A decades-old[...]
Valiant Launch Their First Crossover – Harbinger Wars
This Valiant's first crossover that is, the last few Valiants did plenty. Called Harbinger Wars, it crosses over Bloodshot and, wait for it, Harbinger. This April, the children are our future HARBINGER WARS is coming! Valiant is proud to announce HARBINGER WARS #1 (of 4) – the FIRST ISSUE of a four-issue limited series that will set off[...]
Harbinger Gets A Zero Issue, Valiant Fans Get Excited
It was Valiant who seemed to kick off the idea of zero issues of ongoing series, so it seems fitting that just after DC's Zero Month that Valiant would return to the fold. At the Valiant panel today, they announced Harbinger 0 in February from Joshua Dysart and Mico Suayan They also mentioned Bloodshot 7 as[...]
Review: Harbinger #3
After all, I was only 10 years old when the first volume of Harbinger debuted and at that stage in my comic book development I only knew two things: that the X-men were awesome and that Batman was also awesome So for all intents and purposes, though I'm an old comic book reader, the Valiant[...]
Eleven Other Thoughts About Eleven Comics Today – Mudman, Avengers Vs X-Men, Prophecy, Action Comics, The Boys, Fanboys Vs Zombies, Snarked, Thief Of Thieves, Secret, Harbinger And Morning Glories
Comic of the week. Do you remember Patrick Stewart in Extras? Wanting to make a film in which he had telepathic powers but was more realistic than the X-Men? [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IURfntimnlA[/youtube] Welcome to Harbinger from Valiant where we get that, mixed with a little Jumpers And telepaths going wll beyond what Professor X would consider acceptable and into Patrick[...]
Shadowman To Join Harbinger From Valiant?
Today, Valiant Entertainment announced a new Harbinger series to join XO Manowar and Bloodshot You can see a preview below, it's by Joshua Dysart and Khari Evans and coming out in June Here's the pitch. Skipping across America in a desperate attempt to stay ahead of the authorities, Peter Stanchek is learning that he's much more[...]
Jim Shooter Said, Steve Englehart Said
This lead to one commenter posting, "The problem, though, is that the impression given by such storytelling is that only 12 exciting things a year can happen to each of your titles, or else you have to do like you did with Harbinger and keep the kids in comas for months on the on moon." And[...]