The folks over at How It Should Have Ended took on Thor: Ragnarok and came up with three alternate endings for the film that all seem pretty much in line with the story.
HISHE Archives
Which means it's also time for the HISHE folks to come out with the How It Should Have Ended video for the film But this one is slightly different as it was written by their fans.
The video takes pot shots at some of the plot holes in the film, like the fact that there was[...]
HISHE just released their How Wonder Woman Should Have Ended video, and it includes a reference to the neglected invisible jet.
Now the guys at HISHE have put together a full parody video using the footage from the film It's full of Yondu love — and quite a bit of hatred for Legolas from Lord of the Rings. Not sure what he did to earn all the scorn, but hey, yay for Yondu!
Immediately after seeing Guardians of the[...]
The folks at How It Should Have Ended have taken on 'The LEGO Batman Movie' and given it the alternate ending it deserved.
The folks at How Is Should Have Ended have made a name for themselves pointing out obvious plot holes and finding comedic ways to end films. But this one
Someone asked me what I thought of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, as I didn't review it for the site. My response was simple: the Star Wars fan in me loved
This is an amazing video... not because it's Chewbacca growling out Silent Night. Not because it's really well done. But because at some point someone had
The folks at How It Should Have Ended have done up a new episode of their series Hero Swap. The video shows what might have happened had it been Aquaman
The HISHE folks have done up a new episode focusing on Captain America: Civil War They pick up a few of the plot holes as usual, but they also pick up on what's going on in the Captain America comics as well Plus… poor Ant-Man… that's all I'm saying.
A movie as epic as Avengers: Age Of Ultron deserves a HISHE just as epic… and it gets one Okay, maybe its not epic, but it is broken into two parts Here the folks at How It Should Have Ended take on Marvel's latest cinematic extravaganza… and as always they work Superman and Batman into[...]
Guardians of the Galaxy is now accessible through a few different means and that was enough for the folks at How It Should Have Ended to do their thing.
This is a HISHE short called Lego Batman Is Jelly.
The folks at How It Should Have Ended decided to mix-n-match combining Chris Pratt's roles from The Lego Movie and Guardians Of The Galaxy to get Batman a wee bit jealous This is a HISHE short called Lego Batman Is Jelly.