Tentatively titled "The Grisham Universe," the multi-series franchise effort stems from writers Michael Seitzman (Quantico, Code Black), Jason Richman (Detroit 1-8-7), Grisham, ABC Signature, and ABC Studios-based Maniac Productions The author met with Seitzman and Richman prior to the news and gave his blessing to their approach to the adaptation.
Here's a look at some of the[...]
Jason Richman Archives
With ABC banking on his run of "pilot-to-series" magic continuing to shine, How to Get Away With Murder's Michael Offer is set to direct the network's new police drama pilot Safe Harbor. Stemming from Detroit 1-8-7 creator Jason Richman and ABC Studios, the pilot is set to be executive produced by Mandeville TV's David Hoberman, Todd Lieberman and[...]