Becky is directed by Cary Murnion and Jonathan Milott, with a script from Nick Morris, Ruckus Skye, and Lane Skye Also starring in the film are Amanda Brugel (The Handmaid's Tale) and Robert Maillet (Sherlock Holmes) Check out the trailer below.
Becky Looks Fantastic
"Spunky and rebellious, Becky (Lulu Wilson) is brought to a weekend getaway at a lake house by her father Jeff (Joel McHale) in an[...]
lane skye Archives
It will be released on June 5th. Becky is directed by Cary Murnion and Jonathan Milott, with a script from Nick Morris, Ruckus Skye, and Lane Skye Also starring in the film are Amanda Brugel (The Handmaid's Tale) and Robert Maillet (Sherlock Holmes)[...]