The eight-episode series begins production in Los Angeles this summer and is expected to premiere in the fall, with original series stars Jennifer Beals, Katherine Moennig, and Leisha Hailey returning.
Original series creator Ilene Chaiken executive produces alongside showrunner Marja-Lewis Ryan (The Four-Faced Liar, 6 Balloons) as well as Kristen Campo The pilot episode is directed[...]
Leisha Hailey Archives
When you're a band looking for a comeback, hitting the road to travel the highways and byways across this country can be pretty hellish all on its own: cramped space, long hours driving, crappy motels, and eating most of your meals "to go." Worst of all? Band mates and crew that leave garbage around that[...]
Jennifer Beals (Bette), Kate Moennig (Shane), and Leisha Hailey (Alice) will reprise their roles if the series is picked-up (though other potential returns are still possible), and will also serve as the show's executive producers According to Buzzfeed, The L Word creator Ilene Chaiken will also executive produce, but will not be able to have[...]