And for November, that means Disney writer Michele Gazzarri and longstanding Italian artist Luciano Bernasconi for Kit Kappa In 2004, Luciano Bernasconi teamed up with other writers and artists to reclaim the rights to his characters under the banner of Hexagon Comics And here it is.
Hexagon Comics Puts Out Michele Gazzarri; and Luciano Bernasconi's Kit[...]
Luciano Bernasconi Archives
Luciano Bernasconi is an Italian comic book artist who worked at fellow artist Carlo Cedroni's Studio Barbato, Editions Lug in France, and Edizioni Europer in Rome He co-created characters such as Wampus, Kabur and Phenix and also Ami Barry, L'Autre, Billy Boyd, Bob Lance, Comte de Saint-Germain, Frères Thunderbolt, Gladiateur de Bronze, Jean Girodet, Jeff[...]