marvel Archives

Agent Carter
ABC has released via Facebook a new promo for the second season of Marvel's Agent Carter Here we see Hayley Atwell reprising her role as the SSR's best agent as well as James D'Arcy returning as the always helpful Edwin Jarvis. Marvel's Agent Carter season 2 will debut January 19th at 9 PM right after a[...]
Tales from the Four Color Closet: Top 5 LGBTQ in Comics in 2015
Everyone has a different experience at different points in their life, and its wonderful to see this represented. In fact, the whole Iceman affair has been the best bit of LGBTQ relations that Marvel has managed this past year…pretty much everything else they have fumbled, stumbled and even insulted the LGBTQ audience with[...]
How The Uncanny X-Men Could Be Healing The Healers
Three of the five are identifiably "healer" characters in the Marvel Universe – Excalibur, Elixir and Triage. Could the villains in the first arc be targeting healers? To stop them helping with M-Pox and ensuring the death of mutants… could Uncanny X-Men be tasked with keeping the healers safe? This preview page for an upcoming issue of[...]
Did We Just Kill The Human Fly?
Earlier in the year, Bleeding Cool pointed out how a figure on the front of the upcoming Illuminati #3 appeared to be the Human Fly character and wondered as to the rights issue regarding this real life daredevil who had a Marvel comic book based on him, but is also the subject of a planned[...]
Marvel Challenging Over Inhumans Trademark – And Being Challenged!
Another look around the trademark challenges going on right now. Marvel Entertainment are challenging Brian M Flynn for his attempt to register a trademark for his Inhumanoids action figures and toy figures, based on the toy and cartoon line from the eighties Weirdly, Marvel was involved with that cartoon, but their current interest is in its similarity[...]
A Drunken Drax Explains His Tattoos In Deleted Guardians Scene
Marvel has released a deleted scene from the film where Drax explains to Rocket and Groot that his tattoos are the story of his life… and the story of his family The scene ended up not being needed to bring across his pain… but Dave Bautista does a good job bring it across in this[...]
This Is Not Your Jessica Jones's Patsy Walker, AKA Hellcat
And it's really fun. It fits into the same kind of space as Damage Control did, skirting around the edges of the rest of the Marvel universe, trying to make it make some kind of sense In this case, a role for those with powers that doesn't make them superheroes or super villains, just really useful and[...]
Could New Avengers Be 'Saga Done Right?'
From today's New Avengers #4… we have a story of two people, one Kree, one Skrull… destined to fight each other. But instead of fighting… they did something else. And now… Okay, it's a tale as old as time, but am I the only one who thought of another comic book being published today, currently on its thirty-second[...]
Nominations For The Diamond Gem Awards Of 2015 – Is Your Favourite In Here?
These are the nominees selected by Diamond Comic Distributors for retailers to vote on for the Gem Awards… yes Bleeding Cool Magazine is mentioned, and yes it won't win again, not up against The Avengers. Note how few books are priced at $2.99 these days, to qualify for that category… Comic Book Publisher of the Year –[...]