marvel Archives

Honest Trailer For Marvel's Ant-Man
Today is the Blu-ray release day for Marvel's Ant-Man… so of course the folks at Screen Junkies put together an Honest Trailer for the film. [youtube][/youtube] Today is the Blu-ray release day for Marvel's Ant-Man… so of course the folks at Screen Junkies put together an Honest Trailer for the film. [youtube][/youtube] [...]
The Bleeding Cool Top 100 Power List 2015 – 40 To 38
Chris Ryall (UP) The man who would be Rom and who seems to have progressed his career from webcontent writer to editor-in-chief of IDW Entertainment with the express aim to get to license and then write the ex-Marvel character Rom And this year Chris Ryall truly succeeded in that endeavour He makes very important day-to-day commissioning decisions,[...]
Scott Buck Is The Showrunner For Marvel And Netflix's Iron Fist
Thanks to the boys at Comicbook and Heroic Hollywood who have confirmed that Scott Buck, executive producer and writer on Dexter and producer and writer on Six Feet Under, will be the showrunner on the upcoming Iron Fist show for Netflix and Marvel, the fourth such series before the Defenders series that combine characters from Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage[...]
The Flash Vs Quicksilver – The Battle Of The Blurs
Marvel's hero who is so fast he can appear in two franchises Quicksilver They've combined the two versions of Quicksiver, giving him the outfit from the Avengers: Age of Ultron but the goggles from X-Men: Days of Future Past And one of the moves The Flash makes is right out of the CW series. This Minute[...]
Bleeding Cool Bestseller List – 7th December 2015 – Star Bores
Marvel dominates with 7 spots on the list Only two of their #1s made the top ten with Daredevil being our #3 seller of the week All New X-Men being the other, less surprising entry People are still coming back for All Adjective Avengers, Iron Man, Dr Strange and Extraordinary X-Men Vision, Nova, Howard the[...]
One Week Later – Another Week Delay For Secret Wars #9…
And then the next day all sorts of other people coincidentally noticed as well… Anyway, we were all wrong. Because Secret Wars #9 is now scheduled at Marvel for the second week of January, on Wednesday 13th. Look for everyone else to notice tomorrow… For now, here's J Scott Campbell's cover for Secret Wars #9 for Midtown Comics. [...]
In Case Gideon Malick Didn't Seem Evil Enough…
That's one bad man. Marvel's Agents of SHIELD airs Tuesdays at 9 PM on ABC. [youtube][/youtube] Just in case you didn't think that Gideon Malick (Powers Booth) was evil enough with wanting to bring an alien creature of doom back to Earth… his little exchange here with Jemma Simmons (Elizabeth Henstridge) shows us that he is basically[...]
Today, A Hulkbuster Comes To Old London Town
We've talked about Thomas before, his Hulkbuster armour is 9.6ft tall, 6ft wide and was made over a two-year period, taking some 16,000 hours of time and effort. The Sky Movies Christmas experience recreates scenes from Avengers: Age of Ultron. He'll be at the Dome today. I'm planning on taking the kids… but earlier this week, he took a wander down the South Bank. Marvel[...]
James Patterson – The Adult Colouring In Book?
We've covered how Marvel have registered the trademark for "Color Your Own" for adult colouring-in books, and how this has been seen as an easy category to exploit, simply reprinting already-published artwork with the colour stripped out. Marvel has now announced their latest, Color Your Own James Patterson, using the Marvel comic adaptation Max Ride and[...]
All-New, Extraordinary And Uncanny X-Men To Crossover In Apocalypse Wars
Marvel Comics has just announced at the Brazilian comic book show CCXP,  a big X-Men crossover event for 2016, Apocalypse Wars featuring the All-New X-Men, Extraordinary X-Men and Uncanny X-Men. Which, handily, will come out at the same time as X-Men: Apocalypse. There won't be any tie in, the Fox/Marvel division is still in full effect[...]
The Plan Turns To Rubbish And We Make A New Plan – Clip From Agents Of SHIELD
In the first released clip for the fall-finale of Marvel's Agents of SHIELD we see the aftermath of Agent Coulson (Mack is Acting-Director) swan-diving into another world Mack tries to assess the situation and things go from bad to worse as they have to infiltrate and control the heavily armed HYDRA base where they are[...]