marvel Archives

Powers Booth Makes Agents Of SHIELD Debut
On the next episode of Marvel's Agents of SHIELD we get the return of Gideon Malick played by Powers Booth Malick first appeared as part of the security council in the first Avengers movie but was not part of the group that Alexander Pierce took hostage in Captain America: The Winter Soldier He is one of[...]
An Early Life Steeped In Mid-Eighties Marvel Comics
Power would be cool but going to New York? That was the dream! The book also still works today with it's references to Star Wars and Spidey and I figure it's well worth picking up the collected trades if you want to break your kid in to Marvel Comics. Secret Wars Another great introduction to Marvel's superheroes[...]
Marvel's What The…? Halloween Special
Marvel's latest episode of What The…? is their Halloween special as MODOK comes up with a plan to infiltrate Avengers Tower by having Gremlin dress as a trick-or-treater A good plan if it wasn't for Captain America mistaking him for his (not-so) long lost sidekick Bucky. [youtube][/youtube] Marvel's latest episode of What The…? is their Halloween[...]
Tales From The Four Color Closet: Creating a Glass Closet for Angela
By Joe Glass Oh, Axel Alonso….why couldn't you just say 'Yes'? Axel and Marvel have come under fire a fair bit in the last few months, given repeated attempts to skirt the topic of if/when Marvel would have a lead queer character book, or even outright saying they don't believe the time is right, to closeting a[...]
Uncanny Inhumans, All The Right Pages, Not Necessarily In The Right Order
But don't expect Marvel to reprint the issue to fix it… instead Marvel have simply told readers that Due to a printing error, pages 30-32 were printed out of order.,,, The proper reading sequence should go as follows (page 30) (page 32) (page 31) Uncanny! You can find the pages in the correct order here. Non linear storytelling, it's all the[...]
Marvel's Scariest Stories
Marvel's Watcher, Lorraine Cink, gets into the Halloween spirit by featuring some of Marvel's scariest storylines These include Ghost Rider, Uncanny X-Men, The Punisher, The Avengers, Ultimate Fantastic Four and the birth of the Mad Titan himself Thanos. [youtube][/youtube] Marvel's Watcher, Lorraine Cink, gets into the Halloween spirit by featuring some of Marvel's scariest storylines[...]
Star Wars: Vader Down Dominates Advance Rehorrorders
The relaunch of Ms Marvel and the second issue of Deadpool do well too, as does the Rick And Morty trade, but it takes the bottom of the chart for DC to make an appearance with the second issue of Titans Hunt. TOP 25 ADVANCE REORDER COMICS/GRAPHIC NOVELS/TPs Publication Price Publisher STAR WARS VADER DOWN #1 VDWN $4.99 MAR STAR WARS VADER DOWN[...]
Second Marvel's Jessica Jones Motion Poster Features David Tennant
We are less than a month away from the new Netflix series, Marvel's Jessica Jones A second motion trailer has been done up in the style of artist David Mack… this time focusing on the series villain, Zebediah Killgrave (also called the Purple Man in the comics) played by David Tennant The character of Killgrave[...]
So Who Owns The Human Fly Anyway?
There are two Human Fly characters in the Marvel Universe. The first based on real life stuntman Rick Rojatt, who appeared in costume in photographs with the Marvel staff. The comic didn't identify him, but showed him as a young man injured during a car crash whose skeleton was replaced by steel and became a daredevil stuntman performer[...]
Is The Marvel Universe Still Called The 616?
It originated with Captain Britain, the idea that the Marvel universe was number 616 in the Multiverse, a joke about perspective given that DC Comics had Earth 1 and Earth 2 It was a self deprecatory joke that the Marvel Earth was a much lower rank, 616, a more insignificant number. It was picked up by[...]